Huricane Katrina Evacuates entie city of NewOrleans Catagory 5 Hurican



Wow this is bad anybody watching the News
Huricane Katrina Category5
165mph and climbing tomarow morning will hit New orleans
entie city being evacuated today
yeah my brother got hit last week when it was in FLorida but then it was only a catgory 1
now 5
man bad
and it killed 9 ppl in flroida when it was only a 1
I have family on my Granfathers side in Hammond LA, I wonder how its going thier!
As for New Orleans it mite drop the murder rate for the year.
it's a really bad place!!
It'll be a tragic loss. Having spent many, many weeks in the city and the Quarter more specifically, it's really sad to imagine the damage that will be done. The city will never be the same and, for me, it's like losing a friend. I have had so many special times there and it's always seemed more like a living being than bricks and mortar. It's hard to imagine that all those places that I've loved so much for so long will be changed forever.

bill5 said:
It'll be a tragic loss. Having spent many, many weeks in the city and the Quarter more specifically, it's really sad to imagine the damage that will be done. The city will never be the same and, for me, it's like losing a friend. I have had so many special times there and it's always seemed more like a living being than bricks and mortar. It's hard to imagine that all those places that I've loved so much for so long will be changed forever.

strong man strong
i know what you mean
i hit that up every year jazz fest man wow it will be changed for ever
Katrina getting realy bad
just whent to the Airport to pic up a friend the drove to altanta yesterday morning and flew into cleveland today :)
hes here save from New Orleans but
Katina is bad
had to spend
my lst bit of money no just 120 dollars left to my name
spent that money on his plane tiket to get him out of there
one of my best friends i grew up with he lost his mom and pop when he was 17 year old and no for this to happen have to preserve life i say :)
bad news is that there is another one coming. I hope it just doesn't come to jacksonville.
i hope it dosnt also
make shure you keep your car inside
i got my car in the garage all this week when its gona be ranning couse we are saposed to get the flash floods left over from Katrina
the worst is over but the worst is about to start
ppl still have to return home to the homes and loved ones :(
The worst part about this is all the people who are looting businesses and homes. I watched about 10 inutes of the footage. It went from the Coast Guard saving people's lives to worthless scumbags taking advantage of a tragedy. Makes me sick to my stomach.
MAllen82 I agree with what you posted, i saw some of the footage and it is the wost i have ever seen.
80 percent of New orleans under water yes that right
80 %
under water

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