Hydraulic Fan Wiring Question


LVC Member
Jul 7, 2015
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I have a 2001 LS 3.9 engine, I bought this car needing timing chains and the previous owner had started the job. I have just finished putting this all back together and the car runs great. The problem I have now is that it will over heat if I sit in traffic or if it idles for a long time, when I'm driving the air keeps the temp gauge right in the middle. When I'm in traffic and the needle starts to climb, turning the heat on will lower the temp back to the middle. I do not hear or see the fan spinning. I've searched the threads and have seen countless issues of the control valve on the pump being bad, but in those instances it seems like the fans work in hi or low speed, I have nothing. I also saw a few threads mentioning bleeding the system by putting a vacuum on the top of the reservoir for 2-3 minutes. I tried taping the opening and using a brake bleed vacuum pump to try and bleed it that way, but that didn't get the fan to work either, I must have had a good seal cause I would suck fluid up the hose. Is there another way to purge this system? I saw one thread that said disconnecting the high pressure line then spinning the fan motor until fluid comes out of the high pressure line will purge the system, which line is the high pressure line? The relay for the horn is missing from the car, is this circuit in anyway connected to the valve on the side of the pump? Any one have any ideas for me to check before I put an electric fan on? Is there room in front for a fan? Anyone ever try putting one in front and leaving the stock hydraulic fan in place?
I've been dealing with my own fan problem. Always spins, but slowly, when car is on. Read that as long as it's still spinning, it's not the pump or motor. Ive heard it randomly speed up for a few seconds here and there, but happens completely randomly. Replaced actuator, no change. I'm now leaning towards an electrical issue as member pragmatic describes here: http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/forum/showthread.php?64394-Hydraulic-Fan-Troubleshooting-questions

Any ideas on this would help. Pretty lost right now, looks like this issue was never resolved, as he ended up installing an electric fan instead. Thanks.

01 v6 mtx

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