Hydrogen Generator


LVC Member
Mar 10, 2005
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I don't come around that often so if this subject has been covered just tell me where.

Has anyone ventured into this technology on their car or motorcycle? Or have an information about its affectiveness, seems a bit too good to be true, but then again it would seem simple to extract the 2 hydrogen atoms from water, although I always thought it was cost prohibitive, especially in a $200 system for your car or Bike. I do know that both Ford and GM have been working on the technology for years and GM even has a pilot program but it is more pull up the the hydrogen pump if you can find one. This technology doesn't use pure Hydrogen but rather is mixed with your gas to create a high octane and efficient blend. With gas prices going through the roof again and out government prohibiting almost every way to get us out of the situation, it might be worth a try.

From one perspective I find it interesting because the biggest problem with Hydrogen gas is you can't store a lot of it, I don't know how close they are but there is a method of using of all things chicken feathers to help store much more Hydrogen, with this device you make it as you go. There seems to be two basic styles, one for small cars and motorcycles and one for bigger cars, so rather than trying it on my Mark I may give it a try on my motorcycle and see how it works out.

Let me know what you think. http://mileageshop.com/ for the link of one of the devices.

Yes, it has been discussed before, and yes, it's still a load of horsesh*t. If you search on "hydrogen," you'll find at least one thread on the topic on the first page of results. Hell, I'm pretty sure someone even talked about using it on a motorcycle...
It takes too much energy to produce not enough hydrogen to make any difference in economy.
Yes 04 that has always been the way I have understood it that it is expensive to generate Hydrogen. We are both retired so gas and fuel oil are killing us and it is just starting, I suspect that $5 a gallon isn't too far off. Electric cars are expensive and their range is typically something under 100 miles, not to mention the replacement cost of the batteries. In the Northeast where I live they create electricity mostly with oil so that eventually will be impacted. I guess the answer is to sell the house and buy a condo where everthing is within walking distance in a warm climate, that idea doesn't thrill me.

Thanks for you help.
There's truth to both sides of the story. First almost all the kits I have seen for sale are 100% Bogus. For a typical gas engine the HHO, hydrogen 2 parts oxygen 1 or Browns Gas the enrichment to achieve any type of result is 1% per engine volume air intake. So look at that kit 1 to 2 Liters per hour wow you would come up a few hundred liters an hour short for even a small V6:eek:
It is possible to create this volume of HHO with lower voltage Pulse width modulated series cells that will be very large and very dangerous. They also require more amperage then your alternator can supply.
It breaks down to simple physics, it takes as much energy to separate hydrogen and oxygen from H20 as you will make from burning it. It is a break even point, all energy is even oil. So lets take your average car a Lincoln MarkVIII:D first you will loose your trunk to the large cells you will add about 300LBS of weight or more. You add an extra alternator and all the elctronics PWM controller ect.... you add your chemical catalyst to your water witch by the way will greatly reduce the life of your cells, but are needed to promote the electrolysis. And you put the hole thing together and go take your car for a ride. Holly Molly the power increase, you think to yourself wow this works, but then you realize your gas mileage has dropped not by a little but a lot.
Well the HHO is doing its job but so is your cars engine control unit, the better burn is is creating a very lean condition and the ECU is adding fuel to compensate any benefit is being overcome by you car:(
So you have to add a circuit to your O2 sensors that track voltage differences to trick the ECU into thinking its not running lean. You also need to change timing and full curves and a hole bunch of other variables.
So you take the vehicle out with about 3 to 5K invested and you have it all working, by the time you overcome the weight, added horsepower drain you come up with a 2 to 3 mile per gallon increase maybe more maybe less depending on conditions. Think about the break even point on that!
There are a couple company's that make units for large diesel trucks, that save them .5 to 1.5 miles per gallon that's allot for a fleet, not for an average vehicle.
So yes it works, but no its not economical.
Wait until I finish my wormhole generator. Then, we won't have a need for automobiles except for pleasure. The math equations are killing me, though. Exotic particle physics math in the sub quantum layer has never been my strong point. Translating the math to hardware is no big deal.

This equation is killing me, right here: 2+3=?. I... just... can't... figure... it... out. The supercomputer in my basement has been working on a solution to that equation for years.


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