I am Guilty Of Treason had to yous BP gas today



I AM Guilty of Treason
my car only yoused shell vp
but every station was 3.09 for regular
when bp was 2.53
shoot me
i am Guilty of treason
i am sorry Babby Girl
me on the other hand, i have to feed the beast premium no matter how much the price of gas is unfortuantely. that is the price (no pun intended) you pay for getting a V8!
i yously yous Vpower
wich is still 93
same as the 93 that i yoused in Bp
its just shell puts somthing in there gas they say that cleans it
nothing has been proven yet that shell is better then bp
the public make it better but its all the same ocatane man
you did understand what i was saying did you lol
yeah i know its good
i just never like to yous it for some reason
in the winter time aspecialy that aditive stuff they put in there not so good in winter from what i have heard
You are not guilty of treason if you 2.53 a gallon , if i found gas for that price
I wouldn't care who made it. :Beer
yeah i just hope she dosnt break down on me i never put Bp in here befor last time i yoused Bp i was in High school and i think it mad the check engine light come on
but hey the lights on alredy so hope nothing els happens

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