I am really troubled...


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I have to say, I am really troubled with the way 'debates' are being conducted in the politics forum.

The purpose of this forum is to debate issues. Not throw personal attacks at each other. Unfortunately, I see way too many attacks.

Most of what I read is little substance and alot of personal attacks. Alot of the blame game, alot of blaming libs for this, and conservatives for that.

I dont think this is productive whatsoever.

In my opinion, comments such as "Drink the KoolAid", a Bill OReilly favorite, are nothing but tools by which to demean others and avoid discussing the real issue.

What bothers me most, is that I am a firm believer in Freedom of Speech, yet what I see alot of are attempts to demean other members when their opinion doesnt match yours. These are somewhat subtle attacks, but really only distract from the issue.

What I would like to see more of is actual debates, maybe ideas on how to solve problems, instead of bitches and gripes. Instead of Clinton did this or Bush did that. Clinton is gone, no need to bring him up unless he is part of the issue. (i.e. What Bush does is ok cause Clinton did that = Meaningless BS)

We are all intelligent well read people. What I want to know is how we can act like it instead of acting like schoolchildren.

Im not naming any names, most of us are 'guilty' of this at one time or another. What I am doing is trying to drag us back on track a bit. The issues are what we should be discussing, not each other. That includes using generic terms like Libs or Conservatives. Thats just the kind of thinging that has helped divide this nation so terribly.

How about we all take a step back, and try to make this forum a little better.

How about we all try to make it more idea driven then "bitch" driven.

Just my .02 ~ Currently worth about 2.8 cents
Joeychgo said:
What bothers me most, is that I am a firm believer in Freedom of Speech, yet what I see alot of are attempts to demean other members when their opinion doesnt match yours.

this is human nature my friend. But, yes i too agree with you, and not only in the politics forum...but most all, if not all, of them. Lets all try to be a little more civil with eachother.
If the media would simply report the news and let the chips fall where they may, like they are supposed to do, we wouldn't be in this spot.

I have to laugh all the time when the media drools over Iraq and that they are headed for a civil war.

I got news for you. We are the ones headed for a civil war.

The way we treat the President of the United States is shameful, Democrat or Republican.

Fix the media and the rest will fix itself.

And I think 'drink the koo-aid' is a proper way to describe how the media feeds information to the public. They package it, make it look all pretty and sweet tasting, all the while it is poisoning you. So ya, I think the kool-aid comments reflect the opinions of the day.

If the Left in this country would stop vilifying everything that happens and stops trying to turn every little happenstance into a 'gate', we could all get along much better.

What do I see for the future. Unfortunately, if a Dem takes the throng, I see and eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
MonsterMark said:
If the media would simply report the news and let the chips fall where they may, like they are supposed to do, we wouldn't be in this spot.

the media has nothing to do with how we treat others with respect.
MrWilson said:
the media has nothing to do with how we treat others with respect.
I agree but I was not referring to each other.

I have tried repeatedly to get people to stop the personal attacks. It is up to you guys to police it. Everytime I 'moderate', it only serves to piss people off. We are adults. We should treat each other with respect. That doesn't mean you can't take the occasional jab here and there. That is part of the fun. Just don't do it in a mean and demeaning fashion.
MonsterMark said:
I agree but I was not referring to each other.

I have tried repeatedly to get people to stop the personal attacks. It is up to you guys to police it. Everytime I 'moderate', it only serves to piss people off. We are adults. We should treat each other with respect. That doesn't mean you can't take the occasional jab here and there. That is part of the fun. Just don't do it in a mean and demeaning fashion.

as far as i gather, and of my own oppinion, i dont think that its that the occasional jab is the problem, its the taking the occasional jab and running with it and perpetuating the insults with more insults.
I agree with you Joey, with the exception that bringing up Clinton is going to be inevitable, because much of the debate on issues today involves situations that are a direct/indirect result of Clinton's policies. You can't stop that any more than you can stop bringing up Bush.
Joeychgo said:
How about we all take a step back, and try to make this forum a little better.

How about we all try to make it more idea driven then "bitch" driven.

I am I, Don Quixote,
The Lord of LaMancha,
My destiny calls, and I go!
And the wild winds of fortune
Shall carry me onward ... To wither so ever they blow ...
Wither so ever they blow ...
Onward to glory I go!


Through the woodland, through the valley
Comes a horseman wild and free
Tilting at the windmills passing
Who can the brave young horseman be
He is wild but he is mellow
He is strong but he is weak
He is cruel but he is gentle
He is wise but he is meek
Reaching for his saddlebag
He takes a battered book into his hand
Standing like a prophet bold
He shouts across the ocean to the shore
Till he can shout no more

I have come o’er moor and mountain
Like the hawk upon the wing
I was once a shining knight
Who was the guardian of a king
I have searched the whole world over
Looking for a place to sleep
I have seen the strong survive
And I have seen the lean grown weak

See the children of the earth
Who wake to find the table bare
See the gentry in the country
Riding off to take the air

Reaching for his saddlebag
He takes a rusty sword into his hand
Then striking up a knightly pose
He shouts across the ocean to the shore
Till he can shout no more

See the jailor with his key
Who locks away all trace of sin
See the judge upon the bench
Who tries the case as best he can
See the wise and wicked ones
Who feed upon life’s sacred fire
See the soldier with his gun
Who must be dead to be admired

See the man who tips the needle
See the man who buys and sells
See the man who puts the collar
On the ones who dare not tell
See the drunkard in the tavern
Stemming gold to make ends meet
See the youth in ghetto black
Condemned to life upon the street

Reaching for his saddlebag
He takes a tarnished cross into his hand
Then standing like a preacher now
He shouts across the ocean to the shore
Then in a blaze of tangled hooves
He gallops off across the dusty plain
In vain to search again
Where no one will hear

Through the woodland, through the valley
Comes a horseman wild and free
Tilting at the windmills passing
Who can the brave young horseman be
He is wild but he is mellow
He is strong but he is weak
He is cruel but he is gentle
He is wise but he is meek
Joeychgo said:
I have to say, I am really troubled with the way 'debates' are being conducted in the politics forum.

The purpose of this forum is to debate issues. Not throw personal attacks at each other. Unfortunately, I see way too many attacks.

Most of what I read is little substance and alot of personal attacks. Alot of the blame game, alot of blaming libs for this, and conservatives for that.

I dont think this is productive whatsoever.

In my opinion, comments such as "Drink the KoolAid", a Bill OReilly favorite, are nothing but tools by which to demean others and avoid discussing the real issue.

What bothers me most, is that I am a firm believer in Freedom of Speech, yet what I see alot of are attempts to demean other members when their opinion doesnt match yours. These are somewhat subtle attacks, but really only distract from the issue.

What I would like to see more of is actual debates, maybe ideas on how to solve problems, instead of bitches and gripes. Instead of Clinton did this or Bush did that. Clinton is gone, no need to bring him up unless he is part of the issue. (i.e. What Bush does is ok cause Clinton did that = Meaningless BS)

We are all intelligent well read people. What I want to know is how we can act like it instead of acting like schoolchildren.

Im not naming any names, most of us are 'guilty' of this at one time or another. What I am doing is trying to drag us back on track a bit. The issues are what we should be discussing, not each other. That includes using generic terms like Libs or Conservatives. Thats just the kind of thinging that has helped divide this nation so terribly.

How about we all take a step back, and try to make this forum a little better.

How about we all try to make it more idea driven then "bitch" driven.

Just my .02 ~ Currently worth about 2.8 cents

Amen to that.

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