The second suggestion was the pry bar. You might want to try a modified version of the first suggestion. Sometimes if you slap the hood, it wil release. Try pulling the cable; then, slap the hood. Next, have someone pull the cable as you slap the hood.
If that doesn't work, see if you can see the latch mechanism and fish aroud it with a long screwdirver. Also, try blasting the latch with a heavy duty shot of wd-40 or whatever type of weasel piss you may have. Let it soak, then try the slap method.
Before you go prying the hood open, something that will destory it so that you'll end up using a bunge strap in the outside to close the hood, you might consider spending a few dollars and let a professional take a stab at it. If you choose a professional, a body shop would be your best bet because they have lots of experaince at opening jamed parts.