I cought the phantom message center warning!


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 10, 2005
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West Palm Beeyotch
Well I hear it's common, but about once a week I get the warning chime and the EXTREMLY quick flash in the message center but never see what it says. Last night by shear chance of luck I looked at the speedo while ata red light and looked at the gas gauge, my eyes glanced at the message center that I had blank with nothing on. All of a sudden just as I looked at it, it flashed a REALLY fast message and made the warning chime. It says "Data Select Error" THATS THE PHANTOM MESSAGE WE ALL GET, Now what the hell is it ?:cool:
Cruznlife1 said:
Well I hear it's common, but about once a week I get the warning chime and the EXTREMLY quick flash in the message center but never see what it says. Last night by shear chance of luck I looked at the speedo while ata red light and looked at the gas gauge, my eyes glanced at the message center that I had blank with nothing on. All of a sudden just as I looked at it, it flashed a REALLY fast message and made the warning chime. It says "Data Select Error" THATS THE PHANTOM MESSAGE WE ALL GET, Now what the hell is it ?:cool:

Search is your friend!!
"Data Select Error"

My guess is PCM/Controllers just have very brief lapse of loss of comm (stupidity).

The good thing is, I am glad I not the only one that was wonder what was up. Thanks for the info on what it really says.
I am sooo happy that I do not have that message center, or it would drive me nuts..
I caught my phantom beep a year or so ago... just happened to be looking at the MS and it sounded the beep and flashed "trunk open" for a brief second. My guess is that whatever senses the trunk open is a bit outta whack so when I hit a bump every now and then, the trunklid jiggles and the message flashes.
Possibly related question- I have an '02 LS-6, no message center, but my 'check exterior light bulb' signal came on in the dash today. But all of my headlights are fine- any ideas?
One is out, or intermittent enough to cause the error. Had same problem but message center was more specific - pass rear brake out - but it looked intact. Replace your bulb.

It is not "beep" related.

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