I finally met Barry!!


LVC Mafia Henchman
Mar 30, 2004
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Hey guys I finally met Mr. Barry Wolk. I was stolling through greenfield village yesterday, admiring the mid fifties buicks and what do i see, none other than, a 1956 lincoln mark II convertible. I look at the ID tag, and it is owned by barry! All right!! So i step past the yellow lines without thinking, and I probably looked a bit suspicious, but i had to meet the man behind the machine. I talked to him for a few minutes and he was a pleasure to speak with. Very down-to-earth, laid back, and an excellent conversationalist. (I dont know if you guys ever met someone and they never respond with more conversation, just a "yes" or "no", and then the conversation goes dead, I hate that)

It was a great time. The mark II looks three times as good in person than on screen. Barry is a joy to meet and it was perfect weather. Was anyone else at the greenfield village event this weekend??

Barry, I appreciate the tour of the vehicle and look forward to catching up with you again.

Is anyone planning on the fort street cuise???

Big Joe
Thanks for the kind words Pepsi.

The Michigan LCOC has the front lot of Southgate Lincoln Mercury at Fort and Pennsylvania during the Downriver Cruise. Join us there.

I'll try to be there. They took the bumper off of my car today for replating. I'm hoping to have it back by Friday. I've got to get the car cleaned up for the Eyes on Design show at the Edsel Ford estate on Sunday. I'll try to make it.

IMHO the Downriver Cruise is better than the Woodward Dream Cruise.

This picture is from the Downriver Cruise 2003

One of the neatest things about this site are the people. All of the LvC members that I've had the pleasre to meet have more than confirned the qwuality of this site and why it keeps growing.

I'd love to meet Barry one of these days, and I know that many of you will understand that in the political forum the chatter back and forth :F between members is good American fun.

Even liberals like me can have fun and respect those crazy conservatives like Bryan (MonsterMark). :Beer

Pepsi Glad you had the chance to meet Barry. :V
Oh man! Can arguing politics bring out the worst in us or what? I bet that if I met Barry, we would get along just fine. As a musician and now engineering student, most of my friends are liberal, and they aren't any less civil than anybody else. We are just smart enough to not talk politics. Barry, sorry we been chompin at the bit at each other, bro. And, that is quite a nice car ya got there.

Another Mark VIII forum I visit allows NO POLITICS and I liked the fact that this LVC forum does.... now I'm not so sure.... I think that other forum has some insight into keeping everybody civil with each other. I think I'm gonna try to stay away from the politics arguments.

Good luck on that bumper, and have a great day Barry.

and thanks for the post, pepsi!

The difference between the 2 sites is we treat everybody like an adult here. Once you understand how the game is played, (no personal attacks), everything goes pretty smooth and most have a good time. There will always be troublemakers and party-poopers that seek to spoil a good time. So if a person can't behave and have a passionate discussion without personally attacking others, than those people should lurk and not participate. I find it a personal slam to the freedom of speech that we all enjoy in America to censor opinion and personality. After all, isn't it part of our inalienable rights that a couple million of Americans died for us to enjoy?
Gruuvin8 said:
I think that other forum has some insight into keeping everybody civil with each other.
Maturity = Civility

Sounds like you may very well like a more socialist or communist system where a person is told what to say and what to think, and where a person would never consider speaking up against the establishment.

And that site you speak of also suffered one of the largest civil wars in the history of the automotive website. So maybe you are right about that after all.
Isn't it funny that a post of someone meeting Barry turns into a testament to the American right of freedom of speech.

If you go back in the political history of LvC you will find that even though Bryan and Barry have a last difference of opinion on our present administration in the White House, you will find that they both agree on many American rights and respect each other.

Also both love to keep the political forum exciting! They sure can stir up a debate. :woowoo2:

I bet if Barry and Bryan were at a meet together they'd have a great time together! :Beer

So would anyone else who would meet either one of these two.
I will fully admit to the Dr. Jeckell, Mr. Hyde personas when it comes to world politics. I don't think we all are as diametrically opposed as we let on.

Gruuvin 8, We did get off on the wrong foot. So did Bryan and I. We often PM'd our differences. We found out we weren't so different. We developed a mutual respect that still leaves the barbs without the blood.

Pepsi, I love the car shows. It brings out the best in my personality and strokes my ego at the same time. I hope to meet all of you at some time.

On Saturday, at the Motor Muster, thousands of people passed by my car. One old guy caught my eye. He was near 80 and in a wheel chair. He had a somewhat disfigured eye and a club foot. He had very long hair and the hairs were an even mixture of black and white. He lingered in front of my car and read the poster I created to answer the 25 or so standard questions we get about the car.

He motioned me over to the yellow rope (I hate roped shows) and told me that he had had a Mark II as a young man and he had some very fond memories of it. He was wondering if he could cross the rope and look at the interior of the car. He hopped up and managed to get to the side of my car as I returned to my lounge chair.

I saw that he had a real interest so I told him he could sit in it. His eye(s) lit up and he got in and knew the proper way to close a Mark II door. I was sitting behind the car so I didn't see his face. He sat there for a minute and his shoulders started shaking up and down. That stopped and he sat there for another minute.

He got out of the car and turned to me with tears running down his face. He said, "Buddy, You really made my day!" Everyone around us got really choked up. He really made my day.

I had just been talking to Al, my friend with the green Mark II, that these shows are not about the car, they're about the people. He understood after that scene.


BTW, what you see is 1/10 of one percent of all the Mark IIs ever built.
It is nice to see classics in the hands of people who will let others appreciate them, rather than the lock it in the garage, "hands off" store it for 50 years till im dead approach. That story brought a tear to my eye as well. That is going to be me in 60 years, LOL.

By the way, what is the proper way to close the door on a Mark II, you have me curious.
There is a detent in the door swing that you can clearly feel. It is felt when the door is open about a foot. A properly adjusted Mark II door should securely latch when let go from this position. This is due to the enormous weight and length of the door. The door is over 10" thick.

A lot of Mark IIs have weak "B" pillars because people slam these monster doors closed. The laws of inertia come heavily into play.
Orignally Posted by mespock
Thanks Barry ! for being part of this Forum
:I your story about the elderly man made my day , and the pics of the Mark IIs timeless classics.
Thanks everyone.


Did you make it to the cruise? They didn't finish putting my bumper back on until after 4:00 pm. I got there at 9:00 am. Too beat to drive Downriver from Troy.

Did you hook up with the Michigan LCOC guys?

We did the Eyes on Design show at the Edsel Ford estate today. 90° and muggy. No ribbon but it was our 14th show in a row with no rain.
Ohh man that was a hell of a day. After getting off the phone with my buddy at work having trouble with a bose system, and verizon wireless, it was already lunch time. I was trying to get down there before the woman got out of work to spend some personal time at the southgate lincoln merucry and at my buddies gathering at one of the garages. Well long story short, woman wanted to bring a friend. This friend did not like to walk and had not been to the fort street cruise. This friend also felt it neccessary to complain about the heat and a desire for food. Well after an argument and a drive home for the friend, i did not get much time down there. I was really looking forward to the cruise. By the time I actually had some time down there it was about 7pm.

How was the edsel for estate show???
The Edsel Ford estate is perfect for a car show. We could find shade all day. It was still plenty hot.

Just a note on the Edsel Ford house. The slate roof was replaced recently. It took three years to complete. I heard that the bill was $3.2 million dollars. That's more than the entire house cost in the '20s. The slate was imported from Italy and the workmen all came from England.


This picture shows only a very small part of the house.
Where is the Edsel ford estate?? Ive been to fairlane a few times and that was incredible. Edisons influence upon henry ford is unbelievable. Its amazing the kind of house that two revolutionaries can put together.
The Edsel Ford estate is in Grosse Pointe on Jefferson just south of 9-mile. They have public tours of the home and grounds.

The garage has a turntable so that Edsel could pull his car in, turn it it around, and pull out nose first. Must be nice.

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