i hate when that happens


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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I had my daily serving of rice yesterday, and when he finally rolled up at the next light, i got called a, and i quote a "God Da** Mother $^(&ing A$$hat"

that is the reason i dont like to race them anymore. Does that ever happen to you guys too, or is it that we just got angry people in nj?
I've seen alot of that at the import drags in Columbus. Alot of sore loosers, and excuse makers. There were even dudes who upon realising that they were gonna loose the race, would cut their cars at half track and coast through the line. I've never seen such a sorry group of "race car drivers" in my life.
crazyman said:
I've seen alot of that at the import drags in Columbus. Alot of sore loosers, and excuse makers. There were even dudes who upon realising that they were gonna loose the race, would cut their cars at half track and coast through the line. I've never seen such a sorry group of "race car drivers" in my life.

i wish i had an easy button to make them disappear
What a sorry bunch of losers... all I know is that if I lost to someone, I'd give him props.
i've won races against imports and upon goin back to a hang out, have to hear about how i lost ?! Sometimes i'll have video proof which quickly changes thier attitude. lol. Not everybody is like that, jus the majority of ricers i've come across.

Evillally, you're absolutely right. There's nothing in the world faster than a Honda Civic!!! I learned this a long time ago. I raced a nitrous'd vette in my Cobra and when we got back the Civic boys were talking about how slow we both were. Then my friend Mike pulled up in his "BONE STOCK" 94 Supra and everyone got all quiet. They might as well have bowed and started some religious chanting. Mind you, I've beaten Mike twice. It's so gay...they even call him "Supraman".
Yeah i hear ya on the ricer croud my brothers friend had a 90's 2 door civic with bolt on stuff mostly. Upgraded clutch, intake, headers exhaust and a body kit. Always had them tryin to race him. Now he has a stock 92 mustang conv gt. None will try anymore to race him even the ones with big unpainted aluminum exposed bolt spoilers ha ha. I do love the honda hugger cround. They act like all the parts they buy aftermarket are made by honda or something. The stupid car is just popular any other car would have the same crap made for it in quanity if people bought it instead. Personally i'd rather ride in the luggage compartment of a bus than drive/own a honda. While I would prefer neaver to own a japansese car people always blah blah. Hey I just prefer not to buy from them even if they put a plant in ohio because its cheaper than shipping them and avoiding tariffs. But I do like to shoot back that people that say oh its made here also tend to know nothing about cars and buy a honda so they can treat it like &^*H and buy a 8 year old car that is only like $2000 less than the original owner paid 80k miles ago so they can rip off the next owner of the car with a still inflated resale. One of my friends was telling me about he was thinking about a focus but and told me about problems that were only on like the 1st model year in the U.S. I said you know were on like the 2nd or 3rd gen here besides that those problems were recalled and fixed years ago. So i said go buy the mazda 3 which is the latest european focus not released here as a focus since it would move up a price class. Plus its not a domestic brand so its better right?

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