I have a serious question for you lefties


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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If the Republicans make significant gains in the House and Senate next Tuesday, what will be the conclusion you draw from the results?

I've heard lots of potential reasons, such as:

- Poor messaging by the Democrats (i.e. stupid Americans)
- Ungrateful Americans
- Stupid Americans
- Racist Teabaggers
- Foreign money given to the Chamber of Commerce
- The people really don't like Obama's policies
- Temper tantrum
- Lazy Democrat voters
- Voter fraud

Feel free to add anything I haven't listed here if you don't like any of the choices.

I'd really like to know what you people are thinking.
If the media had any semblance of objectivity, they'd be willing to report that the "Tea Party" movement pisses off both the establishment Democrats AND Republicans.
Hey Cal quit trolling, I'm seriously trying to get feedback from our resident smart set. ;)
What wins most elections, the other side doing a better job at pointing out errors and smearing. Not blaming either side more or less, just the way the game's played.
What wins most elections, the other side doing a better job at pointing out errors and smearing. Not blaming either side more or less, just the way the game's played.
So, you don't think this midterm is going to be significant?

If you're referring to the Right/Rep/Conserv side, I don't think they'll do half as well as they think/predict. Just my guess though.
You said, 'most elections.' So you think this is just the norm, and not a referendum on Obama's policies? Who's been going around blaming the other side the most? All I ever see on TV is "Bush" and "Republicans" to blame. How is your premise, that the GOP has done a better job of smearing and blaming the Democrats, supported by evidence?
What wins most elections, the other side doing a better job at pointing out errors and smearing. Not blaming either side more or less, just the way the game's played.

That's certainly part of it, but that alone doesn't win elections (at least presidential elections). All McCain had going for him in the end was that he wasn't Obama. All Kerry had going for him was that he wasn't Bush. Simply having a negative argument doesn't win elections. You have to provide a positive argument as well.

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