I have Commited a SIN!!!


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
By a field in SD
April 20, 2005 around 1:00 P.M I Commited a SIN! I got into a car accident with my 1997 continental Pearl White Gray Interior an worst of all it was still a virgin, with only 58,000 ml. It happened right when i got out of school at lunch time. There was a large amount a cars stopped ahead do to a fender bender my friend was involved in. And line a cars grew I did not notice it. Tell the person in front of me locked up his brakes as did I about to come to stop when the car behind me got under my rear bumper and pushed me into the car in front of me. Causing me to smash my baby. Right after it happened I sat in my car and wept for 2 Min. As my friend who was with my said pull your self together I got out and looked a my car and saw a murder seen. insurance company told me my car was a (total loss) because damages exceded the book of my car. My new goal with the insurance money is to buy a Mark VII I am persuing a 96 LVC edition with 61,000 ml.

Please now give me your thoughts on either how stupid I am or how sorry.

R.I.P. my Conti

Just fight it. Prove that the car is worth more than they think and they won't total it. Keep at them and they'll lean.

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