I have some stock BLACK sealant headlights it perfect condition for $60 (cleaned and polished to be like new). This is for people who dont want to spend money on clear corners and want rid of th fog in their headlights. Garunteed not to leak.
I also have the clear corners, (Cleaned inside and out, and polished for 2 hours to get all the tiny scratches off.) I have them for $175...this includes the harnesses and 2 sets of high bulbs, one set of Low bulbs, and corner bulbs. They are not new bulbs, but I am positive all bulbs work. These headlights will NOT leak either.
I also have the clear corners, (Cleaned inside and out, and polished for 2 hours to get all the tiny scratches off.) I have them for $175...this includes the harnesses and 2 sets of high bulbs, one set of Low bulbs, and corner bulbs. They are not new bulbs, but I am positive all bulbs work. These headlights will NOT leak either.