Ok, so my wife's 2000LS (3.9L) was having the overheat at idle problem which a lot of cars seem to be having. I just finished replacing the Hydraulic Fan actuator and thermostat to fix the problem. While I was at it, I decided to replace the thermostat housing with a Jag aluminum piece. In a rush to get the car back together before nightfall, I somehow swapped a coolant line with a vacuum line. :slam I even remember asking myself why a vacuum line had a hose clamp, but never put two and two together.
You can see the two lines circled below (random picture on the internet, not my engine bay):
Of course, I didn't realize there was a problem until the engine started and (once the engine heated up and thermostat opened, presumably) I saw white smoke and a small stream of water/anti-freeze coming out of my muffler and white smoke out of my tailpipes. I immediately shut her down and was going nuts trying to figure out how I managed to blow a head gasket (I was still convinced that I couldn't have misplaced any lines). No anti-freeze in the oil.
I decided to sleep on it and the next day I came out to check everything again and immediately saw my mistake. I swapped the lines, refilled the coolant, and she started right up and runs great - no engine damage that I can see. I've run the car up to operating temperature (I think the overheat issue is fixed), but haven't moved it. No codes.
At this point, I think I dodged a huge bullet - but I want to make sure I don't steal defeat from the jaws of victory here. Question: what does the lower geometry on the 3.9 intake look like? Is there a large lower plenum area where coolant could collect? My #1 fear here is that coolant collected somewhere and I frag the engine taking a turn or something. Do I need to remove my intake? Any other ideas on critical things to check before calling it good to go?
You can see the two lines circled below (random picture on the internet, not my engine bay):

Of course, I didn't realize there was a problem until the engine started and (once the engine heated up and thermostat opened, presumably) I saw white smoke and a small stream of water/anti-freeze coming out of my muffler and white smoke out of my tailpipes. I immediately shut her down and was going nuts trying to figure out how I managed to blow a head gasket (I was still convinced that I couldn't have misplaced any lines). No anti-freeze in the oil.
I decided to sleep on it and the next day I came out to check everything again and immediately saw my mistake. I swapped the lines, refilled the coolant, and she started right up and runs great - no engine damage that I can see. I've run the car up to operating temperature (I think the overheat issue is fixed), but haven't moved it. No codes.
At this point, I think I dodged a huge bullet - but I want to make sure I don't steal defeat from the jaws of victory here. Question: what does the lower geometry on the 3.9 intake look like? Is there a large lower plenum area where coolant could collect? My #1 fear here is that coolant collected somewhere and I frag the engine taking a turn or something. Do I need to remove my intake? Any other ideas on critical things to check before calling it good to go?