I killed my steering shaft


Project car a.d.d.
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Sardinia, OH
So, basically I killed my steering shaft tonight while trying to remove it. The rubber coupler joint was siezed into the black metal sleeve shaft that extends off the steering shaft. I ultimately had to remove my gas pedal from the firewall and take out the rubber gromet, steering shaft and all. And in the process somehow broke the white steering shaft bearing. Once I got it all out I took to it with the hammer mod and knocked the rubber coupler joint off. And apparently in one of my mis-aimed strikes of the hammer, knocked off the round nut that will be needed for the bolt that goes thru the black steering sleeve that will hold my 2" DD steering shaft in place. I also managed to break a few of those plastic covered metal rivit looking things that hold the breakaway section of the steering shaft together.

But I got it out and showed it who was boss!

Also apparently my seat track has died as well, so getting my fat ass wedged under the dash was also fun with the seat stuck scooted forward.

Anyone got the black plastic sleeve piece with the white plastic bearing?

I think reattaching the round nut back to the black metal sleeve will be as easy as a few seconds with my welder.

And, it sounds a tiny bit dangerous, but I think I could get away with using some nuts and bolts to reassemble the break away section of the steering shaft, and pray I don't wreck the car.... right?

Anyway, done venting, going to bed.

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