raVeneyes said:
I don't disagree that there are news agencies that are horribly skewed and have an internal culture of changing the news to fit how they see it. The primary argument you will see me make though is that it's not a problem with "Mainstream Media" it's a problem with some news people/organizations. I think there is skew on both sides of the fence and I think that when you look at the overall picture of what is considered mainstream media you will find skew in both the conservative and liberal bent... Yes there are several more liberally biased agencies...yes there are several more liberally biased reporters...and yes it affects how we see the world (if we're not careful). I however will always maintain that it's media and news agencies job to out everything.
It's perhaps too idealistic to think that is possible without a bent.
Don't you find it odd, though, that in spite of your effort to downplay the level of bias in the MSM, if you read and listen/watch the news, it's those
SOME PEOPLE who always have their stories printed/aired, and not those SOME PEOPLE who are conservative/positive toward Bush? Look at the Pew poll, which pointed out the results of the report released in July by the non-partisan Center for Media and Public Affairs. ABC news is critical of the President 78% of the time???
Look at the polling: heavily weighted more toward polling Democrats and Independents (who usually vote Democrat). Look at the stories in the AP or CNN or MSNBC about the economy or Bush or the war. Negative negative negative. Look at the headlines: 2,000 DEAD (from my local paper) while on page A21 there's a little blurb about the troops securing an Iraqi town or wiping out more terrorists. It goes on and on.
And if it's the newspaper's job to out everything, why aren't they (SOME PEOPLE) interested in who leaked the story about the CIA prisons? All they want to talk about is speculation about torture. But in the Plame case, the emphasis was on whether or not Rove leaked, not on whether or not Joe Wilson lied and was in fact discredited, or even whether or not Plame was covert, which they still haven't started saying yet.
Why does the press use the title 'Indicted' before Tom DeLay's name all the time, while not using 'Former Grand Wizard of the KKK' in front of Senator Robert Byrd's name? Or 'Infamous for the Chappaquiddick coverup' after Ted Kennedy's name? Why did the press give Dan Rather an award recently, despite his shameful retirement over using forged documents?
One last thing: You keep referring to 'skewing on both sides.' Name a major news agency BESIDES Fox news that prints or airs news that isn't heavily slanted against conservatives or Bush.