I Need Help!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Syracuse, New York
if anybody happens to have a 6-8 page history research paper lien around, let me know cause i have one due in a couple of days and im screwed cause i havnt done it!! somebody come thru for me... haha

the paper can be about anything from the 18th century to early civilizations, nothing recent and nothing about the US... only European crap... PLEASE HELP!
LennDawg said:
if anybody happens to have a 6-8 page history research paper lien around, let me know cause i have one due in a couple of days and im screwed cause i havnt done it!! somebody come thru for me... haha

the paper can be about anything from the 18th century to early civilizations, nothing recent and nothing about the US... only European crap... PLEASE HELP!

Uh, wouldn't that be called plagarism???

Come on, you have a couple days. If you work hard, maybe you can get it done. I can bang out 6-8 pages on anything in less than a day. But then again, I have four college degrees.
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LOL J/K I hate to say it but he is right and I think your looking in the wrong place for this kinda help you need to look at termpapers.com or something....Its probally going to cost you if you choose this route but there is no gaurante that the teacher doesnt know about this also..... Hope it works out for you
I wouldn't really complain about one paper, where do you go to school? I got 4 papers due within a week. 2 - 3 pgrs, 1- 7pgs and 1- 10pgs. It's good times. :Bang And i've only got 1 done but I've been in this position before and a few days is more that enough time. Whenever i get bored or my head hurts from writing papers I take the LS for a spin...try that :)

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