I-PHONE questions...

Is the camera picture quality better in real use, not specs?
(I use my camera a lot.) 2mb to 3mb is not a quantum leap imho.
Anyone film any video with the 3GS?
What does the quality look like. I don't expect it to look like my 3 Sony HD camcorders but if it is grainy b.s.,...? I would probably only use it in a pinch anyway.
Any New (or Old) Favorite apps you could point me to for Business productivity stuff?
No music/video/game crap. I don't use the phone for that. Strictly business.
If you're using it strictly for business I'd say wait a bit, if you already have a 3g the 3gs isn't a whole new phone, It definitely isn't worth the 2 year extension and Apple will probably release another version in a year.

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