I put her on my new lift to replace DTR switch/selector


Jan 14, 2014
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Well, it was just GREAT to abandon the car ramps and creeper and get STANDING access to the underneath of my 2004 LS today!
I finally got time to do the job after finishing the adjustments on the lift earlier today.
I hope the new DTR switch/selector fixes the random no-start problem it has.
Tomorrow, I am attempting to replace the trans.solenoid pack so UP SHE GOES AGAIN!LOL! don-ohio :)^)
Oh,sorry! Never thought of that. Pics?.......One of these days I'll learn to do that. don-ohio :)^)
A lift, to clean my wheels, while standing up, SIGH ... a man can only dream no? ... could have used that last night while detailing my wheels. Back is done.
A lift, to clean my wheels, while standing up, SIGH ... a man can only dream no? ... could have used that last night while detailing my wheels. Back is done.

Sponges and brushes would probably do a better job cleaning than rubbing your back into it.
Well, I replaced the Shift solenoid pack today......fought that 10mm bolt for 2 hrs. Should've just ran to the parts store and got that gear head wrench that was advised to be used on a solenoid job.
What I did was bend the box end a little,then cut it to 3 inches long.It worked,but was really slow.
Tomorrow I'll lift it up again and put on a new filter and gasket,clean the magnet and pump in new Mercon V fluid.
I'll do an oil change too, and hope the tranny quits banging into reverse and 4th gear. Wish me well! don-ohio :)^)
P.S. To BigRig......I wish I had gotten one of these years ago. I just got so tired,at 63 yrs. old,of sliding under and barely being able to access the underneath of cars.
I KNOW what you mean by being sore.
Bad news! The new shift solenoid caused an error code,well maybe several error codes.....PO743,750,755,760,765,etc.
So I drove it anyway and it like started out in 3rd or 4th and STILL banged into reverse.I got home and removed the new solenoid and put back the old one,and removed the battery cable for a half hour,but still showing error code,the big E.
So it was getting late and the mosquitos are bad at night so I disconnected the battery again and will leave it until the morning.
ll do some searching, but anyone run into this error code thing? Thanks! don-ohio :)^)
Well, the "new" solenoid assembly was defective or you didn't have it plugged in completely.
Okay,Joe,but then why does the old solenoid not work as previously? The plug in looked fine.Do you think unhooking the battery will help it? Thanks for your replies.I appreciate the help. don-ohio :)^)
Unhooking the battery cleared the adaptations and did whatever it was going to do in the first few seconds.
You got one code for each of the five solenoids in the assembly. They are electrical codes indicating that the PCM isn't seeing the correct current flowing through the coils. This will be because all five coils are open or shorted (maybe, but unlikely), the connector isn't fully mated or otherwise isn't making contact, or all five driver FETs in the PCM are blown. If you don't get those codes with the original solenoid assembly, then it seems like it would have to be that the new one is defective or the connector wasn't correctly mated.
Okay,THANKS,Joe! I see what you're saying.
Could this problem be a result of my replacing the DTR switch with a DuraLast brand from Auto-Zone?
On the solenoid,I snugged that 10mm bolt down,but didn't really tighten it too tight.Can you overtighten it?
Well,I gotta start 4 nightshifts tomorrow,so I may not get it fixed soon.She's driving the Aerostar and not liking the stepping up into it.LOL! don-ohio
The solenoid codes won't be related to the DTR.
Thanks,Joe! I really appreciate your help. I'll connect the battery tomorrow,tighten that 10mm bolt connecting the solenoid,and take it for a spin.
You are really a big help on this forum.Thanks,again! don-ohio :)^)

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