I told you Repub support for GWB and Iraq was slipping


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Republican lawmakers urge shift in Iraq plans

By Vicki Allen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican congressman called for a deadline to pull U.S. troops from Iraq, while some other members of President Bush's party urged on Sunday that his administration come to grips with a persistent insurgency and revamp Iraq policy.

Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina conservative, said on ABC's "This Week" that he would offer legislation this week setting a timetable for the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

"I voted for the resolution to commit the troops, and I feel that we've done about as much as we can do," said Jones, who coined the phrase "freedom fries" to lash out at the French for opposing the Iraq invasion.

Other Republicans on television talk shows joined Democrats in criticizing the administration for playing down the insurgency, while overestimating the ability of Iraq's fledgling forces to fight without U.S. soldiers in the lead and failing to plan for the post-invasion occupation.

"The insurgency is alive and well. We underestimated the viability of the insurgency," Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said on CBS' Face the Nation. He said the administration has "been slow to adjust when it comes to troop strength and supporting our troops."

Graham said the Army is contending with a serious shortfall in recruiting "because this war is going sour in terms of word of mouth from parents and grandparents." He said "if we don't adjust, public opinion is going to keep slipping away."

Jones, a member of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, said "primarily the neoconservatives" in the administration were to blame for flawed war planning.

"The reason of going in for weapons of mass destruction, the ability of the Iraqis to make a nuclear weapon, that's all been proven that it was never there," he said.

Jones joins some of Congress' most liberal Democrats in demanding a deadline to withdraw troops from a conflict they said has been too costly in U.S. lives and money.

According to a new Gallup Poll, nearly six in 10 Americans say the United States should withdraw some or all of its troops from Iraq, up from 49 percent who held that view in February, USA Today reported in its Monday edition.

The Bush administration contends that setting a withdrawal date would fuel an insurgency that Vice President Dick Cheney recently said was in "the last throes."

Graham opposed setting a date. "If the insurgents drive us out ... we've lost a big battle in the war on terror," he said.

Jones said he was pushing the legislation because his "heart aches" at the nearly 1,700 U.S. soldiers killed and 12,000 seriously wounded in Iraq. He said Iraqis should defend themselves once their forces are trained.

Rep. Curt Weldon, a Pennsylvania Republican who just returned from Iraq, joined several Democrats saying the administration must be more candid and acknowledge that it could take about two years to train Iraqi forces to replace U.S. soldiers and allow a significant pullout.

"We can't come back to America and have our people being convinced that the Iraqi troops are prepared to take over, when they're not," he said on NBC's Meet the Press.

Weldon also said the administration must "come to grips" with a rising insurgency, boosted by fighters from Syria and Iran, "which for some reason our intelligence community does not want to acknowledge or deal with."

Weldon said he heard "a common theme" in Iraq that the largest number of foreign insurgents may be coming from Syria, but that "Iran overwhelmingly has the quality behind the insurgency."

Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican, said on CNN's Late Edition, that "many of us warned this administration before we ever put a boot on the ground" that it would face a long-term conflict. "We didn't have plans for it. And we are now where we are," he said.
Since we are going to assign dates to impossible to predict situation I propose a date of 25 October 2345. Happy?

Oh and I have a revamped Iraq policy...scorched earth. If an easy solution to the conflict is desired...that's about it. It really stinks to be the good guy. It's hard, nobody likes the process to get to the destination and few appreciate the outcome. But we are doing it. Making a point. That the USA is not a paper tiger. It will not bend to the will of tyrants and murderers whose sole reason for existance is the pursuit of power in an apparent vacuum.
Yep, just like a drug addict or alcoholic, the GOP can only live in denial for only so long before it bites you in the a s s.
Because no body cares enough to, besides the leftwing nutjobs ::wink wink::
You really should read the posts you comment on. This post was about Republican Conservatives that are fed up with the BS from BuSh.
FreeFaller said:
Since we are going to assign dates to impossible to predict situation I propose a date of 25 October 2345. Happy?

Oh and I have a revamped Iraq policy...scorched earth. If an easy solution to the conflict is desired...that's about it. It really stinks to be the good guy. It's hard, nobody likes the process to get to the destination and few appreciate the outcome. But we are doing it. Making a point. That the USA is not a paper tiger. It will not bend to the will of tyrants and murderers whose sole reason for existance is the pursuit of power in an apparent vacuum.

No doubt! If you look all the way back to the Barbary Pirates and how this country handled the problem then and how they have been handled up to GWB then you would understand why the terrorist think we will just pack our bags and go home. they will not quite until they realize that we are resolved in our fight to see an end to thier tyranny.

We will not fold, we will not retreat and we will no longer pay tributes to those that wish to compromise this country's future. Pack sand liberals this has been needed for a mighty long time. I thank God every day that one of you are not in office to screw this up.

God Bless GWB,God Bless the soldiers that are sacrificing thier lives for my children, me and you and God Bless America!

Here is some food for thought. If the liberals are so darned hell bent on our government not spending money on religous centric services then ask your government officials to stop spending our hard earned tax dollars on religous services for the FREAKING TERRORIST. If you want to be a religion bashing liberal take it all the way please.
barry2952 said:
Are you saying it couldn't happen? And why not?

Tell us why. Give us some rock solid substantiated proof and stop regurgitating what the MSM spins day in and day out because it does not hold one ounce of water.
barry2952 said:
You really should read the posts you comment on. This post was about Republican Conservatives that are fed up with the BS from BuSh.

dream on!
About 87% republicans and 38% still support Bush's foreign policies -- heard it on a poll reported by Rush today. What did Rush have to say about the poll? Polls can never be completely trusted because they can be spun either way. I agree. so what do I think about yer post? i don't care... its :bsflag:

impeachment is just bringing the pres up on charges, not throwing him out. So if GWB is brought up on charges, he won't be convicted, and the libs can kiss the 2008 election goodbye.
barry2952 said:
You really should read the posts you comment on. This post was about Republican Conservatives that are fed up with the BS from BuSh.

If you knew anything about conservatives you would know we do use polls to make decisions like the liberals do. We actually make decisions based on what we know to be fact. The fact is the world was concerned about the killer/tyrant/oppressor aka Saddam but the world at large with a select few had the testicular fortitude to deal with the sorry sob.
eL eS said:
If you knew anything about conservatives you would know we do use polls to make decisions like the liberals do. We actually make decisions based on what we know to be fact. The fact is the world was concerned about the killer/tyrant/oppressor aka Saddam but the world at large with a select few had the testicular fortitude to deal with the sorry sob.

Ground control to Major eL eS...

Come back to Earth

....just thought that needed to be repeated.
Where's your concern for what is happening in Darfur? And where is your "righteous indignation" about the possibility that what the Downing street memos say is true? More money was spent trying to find something to string Bubba up than was spent on the 9/11 investigations and all they could come up with is lying about a BJ. I am a registered Independent, I don't think that either party is all that good, I judge each by their stand on the issues I am concerned about, but it seems to me that the Repugs are a lot further out of line than the Dems are. They use the buzz words to insite the public, but their actions are the opposite of what they say. They say they are for christian values, but their actions in cutting programs that help the sick,poor and elderly seem to me to be against christian values.
The tax cuts and giveaways to corporate contributors seem to be against the poor and middle class. Some argue that the bible also says that we should be stewards of the natural resources available throughout the world and not squander and destroy them, yet the energy and environmental bills pushed through( or are attempting to push through)do the opposite. To me, their actions in most cases seem to be the ultimate in hypocrasy.
I think everyone here needs to stop thinking about whether the Repugs or the Dems are better and start thinking about what is right.
I am prepared for this country to right the wrongs of all tyrants. No one has mentioned dafur till now and I will be the first to tell you that is horrible what has happened there. The question is where is your activism for dafur since you are so diametrically opposed to what w are doing now I suspect that your support for action there are non-existent, so bag you socialist, terrorist sympathizing liberal.

We all know independents are clost liberals so don't give me the two sides of the coin story to cover your wagon tracks.

hey since you are commenting on memos how about your hero kofi and the memos that surfaced about the oil for food scandal which clearly indicate his envolvement. I figure since you like bringing up things well off topic maybe you can explain this one.

i donot have aproblem with giving everyone tax breaks especially the rich. I have never been employed by a person on welfare but I sure as hell have to support them and I am expected to just shut up and accept it. Not on my watch. If you get on welfare your next step should be getting off of it. tax cuts are good for America which means it is bad for liberals especially the welfare junkies.

Unless you are abosolutely sick and can't be a contributor to the ecopnomy you have no reason to be on welfare of any sorts. we have illegals flooding this country to fill jobs that lazy welfare recipients should be doing but they have been lead to believe that theyare too good to do a days work, who gave them that idea... LIBERALS.

97silverlsc said:
Where's your concern for what is happening in Darfur? And where is your "righteous indignation" about the possibility that what the Downing street memos say is true? More money was spent trying to find something to string Bubba up than was spent on the 9/11 investigations and all they could come up with is lying about a BJ. I am a registered Independent, I don't think that either party is all that good, I judge each by their stand on the issues I am concerned about, but it seems to me that the Repugs are a lot further out of line than the Dems are. They use the buzz words to insite the public, but their actions are the opposite of what they say. They say they are for christian values, but their actions in cutting programs that help the sick,poor and elderly seem to me to be against christian values.
The tax cuts and giveaways to corporate contributors seem to be against the poor and middle class. Some argue that the bible also says that we should be stewards of the natural resources available throughout the world and not squander and destroy them, yet the energy and environmental bills pushed through( or are attempting to push through)do the opposite. To me, their actions in most cases seem to be the ultimate in hypocrasy.
I think everyone here needs to stop thinking about whether the Repugs or the Dems are better and start thinking about what is right.
97silverlsc said:
Where's your concern for what is happening in Darfur? And where is your "righteous indignation" about the possibility that what the Downing street memos say is true? More money was spent trying to find something to string Bubba up than was spent on the 9/11 investigations and all they could come up with is lying about a BJ. I am a registered Independent, I don't think that either party is all that good, I judge each by their stand on the issues I am concerned about, but it seems to me that the Repugs are a lot further out of line than the Dems are. They use the buzz words to insite the public, but their actions are the opposite of what they say. They say they are for christian values, but their actions in cutting programs that help the sick,poor and elderly seem to me to be against christian values.
The tax cuts and giveaways to corporate contributors seem to be against the poor and middle class. Some argue that the bible also says that we should be stewards of the natural resources available throughout the world and not squander and destroy them, yet the energy and environmental bills pushed through( or are attempting to push through)do the opposite. To me, their actions in most cases seem to be the ultimate in hypocrasy.
I think everyone here needs to stop thinking about whether the Repugs or the Dems are better and start thinking about what is right.

:I Well said, Phil.

BTW, what happened to post #14?
You guys are the masters of diversion. Everytime someone criticized BuSh you guys bring up Clinton.
barry2952 said:
You guys are the masters of diversion. Everytime someone criticized BuSh you guys bring up Clinton.

Hey, speaking of the Clintons, I heard yesterday that they've finished paying off their "fine" (or whatever it was) from the Whitewater investigation.

One less thing for the GOP to bitch about the Clintons. :N
eL eS said:
so bag you socialist, terrorist sympathizing liberal.[/QUOTE
Sounds like a typical "right wing republican christian in name only, certainly not in actions" kind of response. People like you sadden me. You can't respond intelligently to the issues or questions raised so you resort to name calling and lumping people into categories, all of which are bad because you're not in them. Run away little boy, and take your toys with you cause we don't agree with you.
barry2952 said:
You guys are the masters of diversion. Everytime someone criticized BuSh you guys bring up Clinton.

Well stop bringing up Bush! You have to expect criticism of your party when you criticise others. What you guys like to do is bring up a completely unrelated topic in some hopes to substantiate your position. Just stick to the position and fight. Do not go from apples and then to oranges to prove your position on apples. It doesn't work...just like the majority of your constituents.
Yes I do. You guys do more to aid and abet the terrorist than any other group besides themselves. You are ruining this country with your liberal social programs that do not expect results from the recipients. You promote the killing of unborn children whoses mothers life is not at stake. This country is in a baby bust right now and the baby boomers just have to have thier social security checks so how can you justify the murder of unbron citizens especially when people risk thier lives to get here to have thier children and have it paid for by one of your social programs. I just do not see the sanity in all of this. So yes, you are liberal, you have a socialist agenda and have abetted the terrorist. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck.... you know what you are.

97silverlsc said:
eL eS said:
so bag you socialist, terrorist sympathizing liberal.[/QUOTE
Sounds like a typical "right wing republican christian in name only, certainly not in actions" kind of response. People like you sadden me. You can't respond intelligently to the issues or questions raised so you resort to name calling and lumping people into categories, all of which are bad because you're not in them. Run away little boy, and take your toys with you cause we don't agree with you.
You're a sick man Noah. Have you stopped taking your pills?
It is reality that is sick. I speak about what I see. I do not see where that previous post stretched the truth about anything. I am sure you might disagree with liberalism not being socialism but the fact is the remainder of that post comes right out of lifes book.

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