I would like the input of a


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 11, 2005
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I promise to nicer if you promise to be smarter.
Structural engineer... or at least someone who plays one.

Please note the pics below. At the front of the trailer, note the extra piece we welded there.

My buddy says that weld is less likely to break there as opposed to where I suggested he weld it, in the middle of the box frame at the back over the axle. I think a solid piece works better upfront and it would be better to have the extra piece we welded upfront, in the middle, over the axle.

Mind you, we'll have two more cross members welded (one on each side) over the axle area.

So... what do you think?


What is that 3/16" wall?

I would have gone with your idea Alex. But I don't see this trailer carrying massive weight on the tounge. (cannon, and ammo?)

Make sure the welds are good, and for good measure, I would take a tube that fits OVER the joint and weld that.

Take care buddy.

It would seem your idea is better.

But I guess what will be loaded on it, amounts of weight, and where could play a factor and how its distibuted on the frame.
I like your idea better, but it depends on how the load will be distibuted.

I assume you welded it with a mig and probably .030 or .035 ER70S6 wire. You probably also used 75% argon and 25% CO2 (C25) for a shielding gas. I don't see a mig in the pictures anywhere, but since you have a plasma, I assume you have a mig as well.

Your weld will have a tensil strength of about 70,000 and yield will be close to that. The impact strength of the weld will be about 15 lbs at minus 20 degrees.

Now, with that said, if there was a problem, the tubing would probably tear or break next to the weld before the weld would break. My only concern is the impact strength. In colder temps, the weld is not as ductile as normal and it is a place where there may be some flex.

I had a boat trailer with a simular tongue. I adjusted the weight back and beafed up the tongue and I am still using it today. When I bought the boat, there was a lot of weight on the tongue and it flexed ALOT.

I honestly think you will be ok as long as your weight is over those axles... guess I could just said that to start with.


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