Idle control valve

Burgundy LS

New LVC Member
May 17, 2006
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I've taken my car to a dealer to find out why my car stays reved up around 3000 rpm every once and a while. They said to replace the idle control valve. I would like to try to change it myself but cannot find it. Can ne one tell me where it is? Thanks
very easy to get at
- remove the plastic engine cover
- it's mounted on the right side of the trottle body held on with two bolts
- there are two pinch release hoses attached to it

20 (Small).JPG
Where is it on a six? Can it be cleaned instead. I cleaned the one on my 95 Z28 and it made a big difference.
On my '99 Explorer Sport, I had a problem with the idle air bypass valve sticking every now and then (it had a really obvious symptom--the engine would stall at idle). I'd get out and whack it with the end of a screwdriver to loosen it, and forget about it for a few weeks until it happened again. Once it happened when I was leaving work and I didn't have anything suitable to loosen it. After driving home while keeping the throttle open enough to prevent stalling (lemme tell ya, it made the stoplights fun ;) ), I took the stupid thing off and soaked it in Berryman's B12 Chemtool, and it hasn't bothered me since (and my dad is currently driving it every day).
Asim said:
Where is it on a six? Can it be cleaned instead. I cleaned the one on my 95 Z28 and it made a big difference.

can't provide a pic unless you have a fax machine, but it is located right on the throttle body on your 2000 v6.

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