Funny you should mention hunger.....
I don't drive now, but at my old job I used to drive these machines in a -30 frozen food warehouse. One type is a "Narrow-Isle" machine that can lift 4000 lbs pallets 44 feet above the floor surface. This machine weighs over 14,000 Pounds, and can move at a top speed of 20 MPH. (you do the math, for energy potential.) The battery weighs 3500 pounds, and holds almost 100 gallons of acid.
The bigger machine is a "Very Narrow-Isle truck". This machine is locked in line, and moves back and forth down an isle and moves up and down to pull, and stock pallets. This monster weighs 25K, and uses 2 of the same size batteries the 1st kind uses.
You would NOT believe how manuverable the 1st truck is. You can turn a complete 360, with in a circle 6" bigger than the overall deminsion of the truck. Infact, that 7 ton bohemoth can manuver better than any sports car out there. Needless to say, it takes alot of training, and certification to run these machines, and ALOT of things could be meesed up if they got out of control.
I quit there because I was tired of running 20 MPH in a freezer, doing nothing but moving a control stick. It gets too damned cold.
I used to have pictures of me running them at work, but seem to have lost them somewhere. So I had to use footage from thier respective websites.