i'll be missing for a few days...


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Palm Harbor FL
if anyone is looking for me or needs to get ahold of me for any reason i'll be off line for a few days while the cable and internet get installed in the new house. i'm taking my computer down tonight after our auction is over so i will return in a few days. bye bye!!
congratulations, but quoting chicken from when the brit moved: "...true diehard would of had the interweb hooked up BEFORE you moved..."
its hooked, im just too busy to be on here lol, just ate dinner and now im going to paint my garage floor!!
wow dont paint a garage floor with oil base concrete sealer and no open doors lmfao i have never felt so crappy of a high in all my life. it didnt hit me till i rolled my way out the side door and hit fresh air, i feel like ass now!!

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