I'm sure no one would give a damn but I felt like celebrating


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
WOOHOO NEW RECORDS!!! 720lb Incline Calve Raises with 8 Reps and 95lb dumbell bench presses at 10reps coulda went more but it's 10pm and I'm tired with no food in me

Can't wait to see what I'll get on a full stomach and all this was with PERFECT form....my trainer says out of all the body builders and football players he's trained that noone has as good of posture as muah :-D getting ready for powerliftin soon :-D
Pretty damn impressive man. Lets party!!!! Wonder what you could do with a full scoop of assault?
It must have been a party in the showers when you came back with that news!
It must have been a party in the showers when you came back with that news!

Only in your dreams buddy boy...I'm sure your one to not try and drop the bar of soap around a guy like me :p You my prison B*tch :p

Anyways I'm suprised anyone even comments :p Once I see my trainer I wanna see how close I can get to 125lb dumbells since 90lbs seemed almost too easy to get 8-10reps after doing 4 prior sets (50, 60, 70, 80)
I think he's just sayng if you put it out their, he might take you up on the offer. And the bad part is, him being a weight lifter, I'm sure your gonna get the max set of pumps LMFAO
WOOHOO NEW RECORDS!!! 720lb Incline Calve Raises with 8 Reps and 95lb dumbell bench presses at 10reps coulda went more but it's 10pm and I'm tired with no food in me

Can't wait to see what I'll get on a full stomach and all this was with PERFECT form....my trainer says out of all the body builders and football players he's trained that noone has as good of posture as muah :-D getting ready for powerliftin soon :-D

Only in your dreams buddy boy...I'm sure your one to not try and drop the bar of soap around a guy like me :p You my prison B*tch :p

= maximum gayness achieved by none other than Pete, LVC's village idiot
= maximum gayness achieved by none other than Pete, LVC's village idiot

Now now black just cause you take it up the @ss more than anyone else on the forums doesn't mean you gotta go and be all mean....cmon it's friday..have fun :p
Now now black just cause you take it up the @ss more than anyone else on the forums doesn't mean you gotta go and be all mean....cmon it's friday..have fun :p
I think that's his point. He's willing to let you have all the fun. :eek:
Pete why does every thread you post in turn into some gay bash? Im starting to be concearned about the LVC's well-being.. I know your from the west coast too so that doesnt make anything better..
Pete why does every thread you post in turn into some gay bash? Im starting to be concearned about the LVC's well-being.. I know your from the west coast too so that doesnt make anything better..

Suprising enough I've been more of a victimof gay bashing from other members than me delivering the bashing. I deliver the De-mots mostly :-D

And I was doing yo momma jokes but then the mods were infuriated with it and told me to tone it down or else.....but really......how do you expect the term "mother F*cker" came from? It's a boy...f*cking his mom...in the c*nt...plain and simply...nasty word...but used a lot..even in jokes....
Pete just curious of your age. Not trying to be a ball buster with everything else that was said above. Just curious how long it took you to reach these new limits and the age you are that goes along with it. And by the way heavy weights will cause some serious pain and tendon damage later in life. just a heads up. And for some reason I think you are a little older than me.
Pete just curious of your age. Not trying to be a ball buster with everything else that was said above. Just curious how long it took you to reach these new limits and the age you are that goes along with it. And by the way heavy weights will cause some serious pain and tendon damage later in life. just a heads up. And for some reason I think you are a little older than me.

22 and only been in the gym for 1.5yrs before that I was 274lbs

And no problems of joint pain. I recieve weekly massages from the girls at work, have all my vitamins, and I stretch,.......one must take care of that he wishes to strengthen :-D

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