IMHO, daylight savings time is stupid


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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IMHO, daylight savings time is stupid. Now Congress has passed legislation tacked onto a huge energy bill that extends DST by two months claiming that it will save hundreds of thousand of barrels of oil.

The farmers claim that DST messes up the animal's cycles of feeding and milking. Like they know what time it is. The only advantage I see is that outdoor events can run later during DST. The claims of fewer traffic accidents seems ludicrous on the surface.

There are only 24 hours in a day. How can a time shift save oil? You still have to drive to work the same distance. Running you headlights doesn't consume any more gas. During the winter it would still be cold the same number of hours in a day as it would be hot the same number of hours during the summer. How does DST save oil?

Am I missing something here? If it's lighter later in the evening then it's also darker later in the morning. So, the kids go to school in the dark, but they get to play later in the day. Where does this save oil?

I remember some idiot claming that DST was burning up his lawn. It's probably the same idiot that sponsored this bill.
I feel the same way i wish that they would do away with DST , Arizona tried it once and didn't like it .
so if america extends daylight savings time, and canada doesn't. that's going to :q:q:q:q things up pretty bad.
I read in the paper where the government has admitted that daylight savings time saves no oil at all. The study was based on 50 year old data that was wrong to begin with.

Now were stuck with it an additional two months because some beauraucrat had to justify his existance.

I don't even blame BuSh for this one.
barry2952 said:
I read in the paper where the government has admitted that daylight savings time saves no oil at all. The study was based on 50 year old data that was wrong to begin with.

Now were stuck with it an additional two months because some beauraucrat had to justify his existance.

I don't even blame BuSh for this one.

Typical politicians, waste our taxpayer dollars working useless issues instead of dealing with real ones. Indiana recently passed legislation to go onto DST starting next spring. That should teach us to vote a repug into the gov's seat.
If I remember correctly there are a group of scientists (I don't remember what the specialty is called right now) associated with studying the time clock and how it affects and/or alters the way a human functions. They are some of the biggest proponents of DST because it keeps us closer to the natural bio-rhythms that millions of years of living with the sun has created within us.

If we didn't have DST we'd be getting up 3 or 4 hours before sunrise in the winter sometimes.
For those of you opposed to Daylight Savings Time, is it the twice annual time shift you don't like? I cannot imagine anyone being opposed to the primary benefit of DST, which is daylight an hour later in the evening. What's not to like about that?

Personally, I'd like to stay on DST year round, and drop the "spring forward, fall back" nonsense. With standard time, in the North in the Winter, it can be dark as night by 5p.m. or even earlier, depending on how far East in the time zone you're located. The time zone in Tokyo is so bad that it is night at just after 4p.m. in winter.

Europe also uses DST, calling it, ironically, EST: European Summer Time. Canada had it years before we did; my Canadian Grandparents called it "Fast Time." However, when we were children and moved out to our cottage in Canada for the summer, my mother kept us on Standard time, so we were one hour behind the neighbors, but on the same time as home in Michigan. Conservative commentator William F. Buckley had the ultimate solution when traveling across the ocean by sailboat: he computed what time it should be, based on the position of the sun, and regardless of the time zone, set his watch to the computed time, calling it "Buckley Watch Time."

Now that I'm newly retired, all time is "cocktail time," and I don't wear a watch.

Of course, the final answer is to move near the Equator, and have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark year round. Nice and warm too. :cool:
Im with RB3, nice tropical weather. DST doesnt do anything for me, i just hate driving to work with the sunrise right in my face.
Why don't they leave the time alone and just start work earlier???
All they have to do is leave it alone and start work at the usual time!!!
I agree with RB3. Full time DST. Make a world-wide adjustment. I never said that I didn't like DST. I meant to convey that it's dumb not to have it during the winter whe an extra hour of daylight would be real helpful. A total time shift makes great sense.

Would a total time shift have a neagtive affect on having DST in the winter?

I guess some thought needs to be addressed to time zones in general as they were set up in 1884 to make the trains function "on time". I think that Communist Russia had only one time zone for the whole Soviet Union.

Tell me more about Circadian Rhythems.

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