In loving Memory...


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
We knew that morning that God was going to call your name.

If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. In life we loved you dearly; in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you; you did not go alone; for part of us went with you the day God called you home.

You left us wonderful memories, your love is still our guide; and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.

Our chain of love is broken, and nothing seems to be the same; but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

In loving Memory of Faith M. DeTomaso
November 20, 1944 - July 12, 2004
As some of you may remember, My mother passed away 1 year ago today. Forgive my posting about her, but it was perhaps the most extrordinary event of my life. Please indulge me a bit here folks.

When she passed, ShadowLvr400 posted this poem:


Remember me as I was,
vibrant, young, and bold,
full of life, and love
there to hold you,
there to scold you,
I helped you to bloom,
and told you "clean your room."
I was there for your birth,
you were there for my death.
But don't you fear,
for while you live,
I am still here.
In your heart,
and in your mind,
you are my mark.
You are my legacy.
You are..
my remembrance.

Phil Jaffe 7/13/04 2:45 am

Thank you ShadowLvr400.
Indulge away Joey, it's been ten years since my DAD passed away and i still think about him everyday. Our parents will always live on in our hearts.
Joey...I'm with you on this one. My Dad passed away 7 years ago and I cant drive by a cemetary or graveyard without crying for my Best Friend. I have six sisters, and it was always "me n the old man" against the females of the house......Katz
Hey Joey.
I remember.. my thoughts are with you. My mom is still doing good at 68 ;-))
Joey, You have my sympathy man, I know what it's like to lose a loved one but not a parent. My condolences man.
I was unaware until now, Joey. I'm really sorry.

I watched a friend lose his mom about 6 months ago, so while I haven't had to go through it myself yet (thank God), I do know a little something of how hard it is. The overwhelming pain will fade to a dull ache that you will actually not want gone, but rather, cling to, because it's what you've got left of that person. But you'll be able to carry on.

A year late, but I wish you the best. My prayers.

I am envious of those of you who have had close relationships with their parents.

Time heals all wounds.
Gone for now,but not forever. one day we will all be together for always.
hang in there Joey! God bless your family. lost my brother in 1986, I can't believe it's been almost 20 years! I think about him every day.
Stay up Joey, you made it this far. As you know, my father just recently passed away and it's been hard dealing with life without him. Sooner or later we will all meet again.


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