In memory of my nephew James.


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Wichita Kansas Tornado Alley U.S.A.
I learned monday that my 34 year old nephew had passed away. James died from a asthma attack that lead his heart to fail. he was a big man, 6'4 265 pounds. we found out the autopsy results today. I want to dedicate this thread in his memory. he loved cars but most important to me was the love of music he had. we always got along with each other because of that. and enjoyed talking and jamming together. James I already miss you but I know that we will meet again someday. RIP bro.
Sorry JC,

I hav'nt had any deaths in the family for years now. Hopefully we won't for a long time yet. I do know how your feeling tho.

Just saw this JC sorry to hear about losing your nephew, just remember the good times they will get you though the bad.
OMG!! I am really sorry man, there is alot of bad stuff goin on right now August sucks. You and you're family are in my prayers man. I really hope everyone in you're family is ok.
Hey friend... Sorry to hear about your loss.... Death is always a sad time...

In your morning find time to look back on the fun and good times you had...

Our prayers are with your family....
been gone for awhile, and just saw this thread, sorry for your loss, you're in our prayers
Thanks to all for the kind words. My Nephew's funeral was yesterday. I had the honor of being one of the pallbearers. I just want to say that I am totally devastated. I hope that I, and most of importantly my sister and the rest of my family can get over this soon. It was one of the saddest days of my life. I can't even imagine losing one of my sons, this was hard enough. I'll talk to you all later. JC... RIP, James.

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