In need of help!


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
St. Louis
ever since i bought the car atleast once every 2 weeks ive heard a loud fast paced clicking noise, but if i accelerated it would go away immediatly, so i never thought anything of it.

Today i was driving down the highway doing about 50, when i heard the noise, i thought no problem and gave it some gas and it went away.

2 min. later i hear it again. im thinking hmmmm whats going on, so i give it some gas and it goes away.

no more then 10 sec later i hear it again and give it some gas and i hear a light thud come from under the car. me panicking pulls the car over to the side of the road and puts my hazzards on.

With my buddy outside the car i slowly roll forward and after 5 mph there is a continous click, almost like every time the driveshaft spins or something.

We did a couple test to see if it would go away,
i put it in reverse, no go
i tried 1st gear, no go
i tried second gear, no go

i decided to go ahead and turn around and go back to my hosue. i gave it a last try and going about 45 (clicking gets faster the faster you go) i put it in neutral and the noise stops.
so now im scared that my tranny is gone... what do i do???
U joint.

Unless your rear end is out of it. If that is the case, I have an extra 308 pumpkin you can have free of charge. I'm gonna be free Sunday after noon, I could run down to take a look at it.

let me know if you need any help.

that would be great if you are serious mike,

Maybe we could meet half way or something??? leme know
67Continental said:
i posted in this thread last night, second post....and now it's gone?

not quite sure. nothing has been edited from this page. :confused:

Nitro, yes, I am very serious. I don't know that you should be driving with a noise like that tho.


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