In new e-mail scam, 'Marine officer' asks for your help


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May 13, 2007
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In new e-mail scam, 'Marine officer' asks for your help

Newhouse News Service

Published on: 12/31/07

New York — Often, the e-mailers purport to hail from Nigeria.

The impassioned pleas allegedly are from deposed government officials, royalty or military men needing help in getting money out of the country and promising a cut of the cash to those lending a hand.

Now there's a new twist in the scams that collectively have bilked thousands of people of millions of dollars. Someone claiming to be a high-ranking U.S. Marine Corps officer seeks to move $25 million in funds from those killed in insurgent attacks out of Iraq.

The e-mailer, who alternately identifies himself as "Lieutenant Colonel William Adams" and "Lieutenant Colonel Williams Adams," dangles a promise of 30 percent of the dough.

Though purportedly a U.S. soldier, "Adams" says he plans to ship the cash out of war-torn Iraq in two large metallic boxes, using the immunity of a British diplomatic courier. The money will be divvied up once "Adams" and his unnamed partner leave Iraq.

"No strings attached," "Adams" insists, adding, "this business is risk free."

Typically, scammers ask responders to send money — sometimes several thousand dollars as good-faith collateral for holding the promised windfall cash — which they vow ultimately to return. "Adams" pledges to send those interested "full details" of the operation once they provide their "most confidential" telephone and fax numbers.

A reporter's attempts to reach "Adams" via e-mail were unsuccessful.

Major Eric Dent, a Marine Corps spokesman, said there is no current record of a lieutenant colonel named William Adams or Williams Adams.

"It sounds like a classic scam," he said, adding that he has heard of similar schemes.

"Frankly, it is insulting to think a Marine would be akin to the behaviors in the e-mail," said Dent. "Hopefully, people will know that the abhorrent conduct as described in the e-mail would be unconscionable by a U.S. Marine."

William J. Smith, spokesman for New York District Attorney Daniel Donovan, said he has not heard of the Iraq scam.

But Smith said he is aware of a variety of Nigerian scams, as well as a closer-to-home deception.

In the latter scheme, a telephone caller claiming to be from the Social Security Administration seeks to confirm the person's name, address and Social Security number to verify that he or she is receiving benefits.

But, Smith said, Social Security officials told him the agency directly contacts beneficiaries by mail, not by phone.

"Unfortunately, some unsuspecting people get caught off guard and give out their information," said Smith.

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