Inner Tie Rod


Well-Known LVC Member
May 3, 2006
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Murda Ma$$
I need to replace my right front inner tie rod asap, anyone have any tips, or suggestions?

A search here turns up nothing on the subject at all.

Any help is appreciated.

Wow.. hopefully, you have a warranty or extended warranty. which would cover the tie rod. But you just can't change the tie rod, you have to change out alot more than just that since it's intergrated into the suspension/steering system. I'll look around to see if I can find some instructions. But I don't know if it's a DIY kinda thing.

someone will post up someting about if it is or not.
I think its the tie rod end that can't be replaced not the tie rod . But I may be wrong.
I don't know what's different between the generations, but for a 2nd Gen LS, AllData lists 1.3 hours of labor to replace both inner tie rod ends (0.6 for the left side and 0.7 for the right), so it can't be that big of a deal.
All I see is 2 bolts to remove it, and labor from Ford was only quoted at 150 bucks I believe.

I will have to check out the service CD when I get home, hopefully its nice and easy, Im kinda shook about driving now that I know its bad.



I just searched the entire Service CD and cannot find one reference to removal or installation of the tie rod...

Only mention i could find was a torque spec, but the diagram, instructions, nothing was there (that i could find)

Any Help ??

I am in the middle of replacing the inner tie rod on my LS, its not going so well...

I already removed this bolt which seperated the inner tie rod from the outer tie rod, leaving only one side still attached.

As you can see above there is a boot covering the other side, I cannot get this off, I cannot see how, I cannot compress the boot enough to see how the other end of the tie rod is secured...

Any ideas?
AllDataDIY is quite silent on this subject for some reason, but from the exploded parts diagram, it looks like the tie rod is just screwed into the steering rack. It looks like there's a jam nut between the rod and the rack; if you disconnect both ends of the boot, you should be able to compress/slide it far enough to see the jam nut. (Of course, I've never done it on an LS, and it's difficult to tell these things from a line drawing...)

BTW, it lists the tie rod boot at just under $20, so if you tear it up, it shouldn't be that painful to replace it.
Thanks Sooner thats a good idea.

I had to put the car back together shortly after I posted this as I had to get to work this morning and I was running out of light.

The issue I am running into is that once the boot is compressed, I cannot see how to get the small end (facing pass wheel) over that nut on the tie rod, its too big for the boot to fit over. Now if I replace it, still, how in the hell am I gonna get it over that nut; unless maybe I am supposed to buy a new nut too?

I'm wicked confused and kinda pissed it doesnt go into it at all on the service CD....
it's on the service cd under - steering - then at the bottom "disassembly and assembly" - "Steering gear"

Looks to me like you remove the outer end, then jam nuts, then the bellows, then the rod....
it's on the service cd under - steering - then at the bottom "disassembly and assembly" - "Steering gear"

Looks to me like you remove the outer end, then jam nuts, then the bellows, then the rod....

thank you for the guide into it...

outer end = outer tie rod?

If so I cannot see why you would need to remove this at all...
dunno really, just looking at the order in the service manual. Maybe that's what's needed to slide out the bellows?
lol, I dont even know what a bellow is, where its located or what it does....

I'll just have to give the CD a deeper look tonight when I get outta the gym...

Thanks Again
Well I just ordered a new tie rod boot and nut, I need to ge tthis done, and since there is no tech help via the CD, or no one here who knows for sure I figured this was my safest/quickest bet.

I plan to cut the boot off, unscrew tie rod from steering rack, install new boot on new rod, screw back onto steering rack, install new nut and then screw the inner and outer rods back together.

I'll update on Friday when I attempt this...

btw what were your symptoms that you needed to replace this?
btw what were your symptoms that you needed to replace this?

:q:q:q:qty ride and Fortd told me I needed to replace it, I bought the part a while ago and never did it. Then I took it in for an oil change and someone else told me it was getting real bad..
PLease let me know how it works out, my ride is crap and have replaced pretty much the whole suspension except tie parts and it's still crap.
no problem...

All I have replaced so far is the LF knuckle. After the tie rod I still have to do both front links though
I have my new "bellow" and nut, so I am gonna attempt to complete this after I get outta school at 9am, before I go to bed.

I was planning on doing this on Sunday, but it looks like rain, so I'll give it a whirl this morning.

Only thing I dont know how I'll do is getting the tie rod out of the steering rack, I hope its not in there so tight I cant get it out.
I have the boot off, outer disconned from inner, Now I am at the point where I need to get the rod out of the steering rack. There is no space whatsoever to work to put a pair of vise grips on it or anything.

Does anyone know if there is a specific tool/wrench needed to get the rod out of the rack?

I will upload pics for ideas in a minute..

alright, I got enough room now; i had to take off that metal bar underneath; it's unavoidable apparently...

Now I just need to get that damn end out of the rack...Its in there good, so i just shot it with some PB blaster, we'll see in a few minutes, hopefully this works or I am gonna have to go buy a torch or some :q:q:q:q.

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