Installed 6x9's today


Dedicated LVC Member
May 5, 2007
Reaction score
Took it upon myself to drop some 6x9's in the rear deck of the conti today. Easy install, well worth it. Alot more bass that does not fade or pop now.

To get to them you need to get in the trunk and take the top carpet down.

Then push the 6 black clips that hold the center speaker grill out.

Push the 2 clips (white piece) in and pull the brake light out.

Put your knee in front of the rear seat (bottom) and give here a push in and down to unhook it, The 2 clips are right in the middle of the left and right seating areas. Then just pull the bottom out.

2 bolts hold the top piece on (after the bottoms out just look down you will see them), undo them and lift straight up to remove that part.

Put one hand under the middle of the rear deck carpet and lift straight up, it will fold and slide out of the sides.

Then theirs 4 screws that hold the 4x6's in, or you undo the 6x9 brackets (4 bolts) and 6x9'S will drop right in.

Does anyone else tear their conti apart for :q:q:q:qs and giggles also?
ive been known to take mine apart for no reason......however i got my 6x9s installed at a shop, put 4 of them back there, had to cut the metal out with a plasma cutter and cut an mdf piece to mount them in.

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