Installed Accel Coils 02 LS Sport V8


Well-Known LVC Member
May 4, 2008
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I have a 06 LS with 57k, and a 02 LS LS Sport V8 with 201k. I installed Accel coils in the 02. I had some mods to make, reversing the wires, and making them fit using the stock boots. But I got it to work.

I was not having any problems with the 02, but have replace more coils than I wanted in it since 2005. I got the Coils from ebay for about $120 shipped for (8). With 2 days of driving I noticed from the start a much improve throttle response, and acceleration. I am very happy with them. I can definitely tell a difference drivability wise and performance wise.

I started a thread a while back asking about anyone using them having failures with them and got zero failures as far back as 6 years in use. Wish I had done this a while back.

BTW: I did not change the plugs because I had changed them out about a year ago.
I feel like Accel owners don't put too many miles on their cars. Even if they do, there aren't enough of them to get a good feel on their reliability. Hopefully, you're not going to be the one to have problems

For less than the price of a Motorcraft coil, you can get a full set of Iridium plugs. Why not just do them? I'm not saying you have to, but given the car's history, I'd just change them out
I just changed those plugs about a year ago. Likely only about 4000 miles or less on them. I'm running the Motorcraft platinum. I've been thinking about if the Iridium are better to run? Do you think so?

On the Accel's I started a thread to ask about a year ago. I'm going to post it up again. Everyone was happy with them and reported no failures. Tha'st good in my book.
How old/miles was the COPS in the 02? Mine are 100k originals, and my acceleration in city (most of what I do) is all over the charts. I decided on a set of Delphi since I dont want to pay for or deal with a mod (I dont do mech work :( ). The mech I found to do my tensionor gave me some tips, so I thought hey why not since we know Motorcraft went China. Btw, I will post more on that soon. I dont think you have to worry about breakdown in comparison, Accel/MSD has there own source and specs, like Delphi, so in theory they should be at least OEM performance or better.

Also wondering if your COPS are well worn like mine how much of your improvement came from just doing a change, Accel or not.

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