Installed GMS 4V connecter kit


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Bay Area
This is a direct swap for a 97/98 Mark VIII, the GMS 4V connecter kit with new silicone boots and stainless steel connecters (wires). My old plugs which were the stock ones were in bad shape after 63k miles and 8 years. I noticed better throttle response right away but I don't know how much it was from the GMS kit and how much was it from the new plugs. The car will now chirp the tires in drive on the 1-2 shift which it never did before. If you have a Gen 2 I would get this kit and install it with new plugs... I got my set from Modular Depot but you can get it directly from GMS as well.
I didn't get their coil kit, too expensive. Are you going to open up the gap on your plugs?
I'm going to give it a shot. I know most people think that aftermarket coils are a load of hot air, but neither my coils nor my connectors were looking very good, and I get a nice discount through a friend, so it all comes out to pretty much the same as ordering new Ford coils for me anyway.

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