Installed the New Side Skirts


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 4, 2005
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I installed the new side skirts tonight. Definitely noticed a difference in how they mount up this time.

Picture 1 & 2, I removed the splash guard from in front of the rear tires.

Picture 3 & 4, I put the double sided tape under the weather stripping. I dog eared the ends. Once the side skirt is in place. Just pull the tab and press down.

Picture 5, screw in two self tapping screws at each end. Done.

I will get pictures outside tomorrow.

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Here are the new pictures of the side skirts. The light panels to the side skirts tock under the LS a lot better. They aren't as noticeable anymore.

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Looks good. But yea I still don't see the difference? Was it like that guy in the other thread said they were just cracked?
yes, they are the same razzi skirts, the old ones were just cracked
In the top picture, the two rectangular pieces are very noticable. In the bottom picture, the splash guard piece removed. The side skirts tuck under the car better. The two rectangular pieces are tucked further under the car. Less noticable.

BTW Yes. They were cracked BADLY. Razzi set me a free set to replace them.

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Oh ok. That top picture just looks like your rear end is sitting lower. Must be the camera angle.
Looks good.

Have you thought of getting the chrome and surround painted? Would look real clean IMO. Looks good anyway though.
A member here did a photoshop of the surround and chrome painted. It didn't look to bad. What do you think?

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Have you thought of getting the chrome and surround painted? Would look real clean IMO. Looks good anyway though.

Def paint the chrome

Had to bump this for a member. Needed to see pictures on how to install the side skirts currectly.

Since I didn't respond to these two members. Better late then never. "Yes". Also got rid of the chrome molding around the windows. New pictures.:)

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its been a while since it looked like that... New pics would be nice. (since your here for the first time in ...years) :p
I am always here. Just lurking in the shadows.
I am always here. Just lurking in the shadows.

That's not creepy. At all.

Let me tell you children of the legend of Rollin. He is there. In the shadows. Watching every post. Judging your poor wheel choices. Mocking your repair mistakes. Festering in the dark.......
:lol: Funny you mentioned wheels. Checkout my new thread.

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