Intake manifold gasket set... which one to choose?


Active LVC Member
Jan 31, 2014
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Hey guys, spring is slowly coming up here in Quebec and I have a couple projects for my Ls. I found almost everything I was looking for but there is one thing I have yet to buy that I will need upper and lower intake manifold gaskets.

I saw a couple of sets on amazon/rock auto and I would like to have your opinion on quality. I am hesitating between Victor Reinz (they sale the upper/lower gaskets for about 60$ on Rockauto) and Felpro's. I have a 04 v6.

I been reading some reviews on both of the brands but no clear answer on which is the best. So, I'd like to know what's your opinion on both brands and which you would recommend me to buy (or not?). (I know the OEM would be the best solution but they are expensive... 130 $ US and with the currency exchange they end up being almost 160$)

Thanks !
IMO it's a wash between VR and Felpro, neither one will be "bad". Just see if one has more odds and ends included in the box.
I used Felpro at 98k miles, just changed the elbow and PCV valve at 174k miles. The manifold gaskets looked so good i just reused them, no need for new ones. The valve cover gaskets from Felpro failed after 76k miles, the inner ring had crystallized, and could no longer hold the oil back, the outer gasket was ok.

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