Intermitting surging with RPM.........


New LVC Member
May 3, 2010
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Just found this site, maybe I could get some feed back on the problem with my 1986 Mark Vll, LSC, 5.0/302 V8. I feel there is no doubt, shes got an mind of her own! I've put her in different shops, discussed several times with anyone who may or may not know her problem. Either the shops honestly don't know thier job or don't understand a Lincoln or could care less.
2007 she started surging, from 250 rpm up to as high as 2700 rpm, then stall.... got to the point of where she quit even turning over @ all. Towed her to a shop, they replaced fuel pump, fuel pump strainer, coolant temp. sensor, throttle sensor, map sensor & spark plugs,after replacing pump she still rough. Retrrived codes 21,22,24,31,63 & 67, which I my self had zero clue on these so called codes. Picked her up after $1000 shop bill, she seemed to run find.
Almost to the day 2 yrs. later, to the date, she started up with the same symptoms, only she starts & will barely stay running. Put in shop, idle fluctution, smoke check for vaccum leaks for idle fluctuation, none found, codes-obtained codes 21,31,44 & 94. Now, same but its intermitting, other wise runs great???????
I love my car but she sits more then being drivin,! I want her up & running, replace the rear suspention & drop A mannual in her & sell my other car, thats my goal, hate to think I've got to take her into a dealer....please any comments welcomed. VERY FRUSTRATED!!!!!!:confused:
Idle air control motor. And check all your EGR vacum lines and the valve itself.

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