Really? So did you sign up for Sherdog and post so that you could be "part of the solution?"
I'm not a member of that community.
As far as I see it, once you put your picture up there for all to see you are fair game and if all you expect is to be complimented when you put your picture on the internet, then you are very mistaken.
If you put your picture somewhere to be scruitnized, then you're right. But if you just a have little myspace page, then you shouldn't be subjected to international internet bullying and intimidation.
This couple didn't bring this on themselves. Some coward found it on Myspace and then reposted it elsewhere. And to join in the pile-on is an ugly display of the some of the worst traits of human behavior. An annonyomous gang.
It would be bad if the harassment were limited to just that community, but it spreads virally. And, for some reason, these internet tough guys, then feel the need to post the actual Myspace page. And once that happens, these internet cowards begin harassing and attacking the individuals directly through the Myspace page.
As much as mommy and daddy used to say that "If you dont have anything nice to say" BS, no one ever actually followed it and that is the cruel world we live in.
That doesn't mean you join the pile on.
They could have easily marked their Myspaces private so their pics couldn't have been taken or they could have been watermarked copyrighted. They chose not to which makes them public domain.
So it's her own fault, not the cowardly internet wick-pricks, apparently like yourself, who enjoy attacking people from the protection of their computers? Most people don't realize that there are miserable little vermin that victimize strangers on the internet like this. Why would she anticipate that some insecure twerp on the otherside of the world might make her and her husband the victim of an internet hoax- and that it would then lead to her being directly harassed through Myspace?
Stop making excuses for ugly behavior.