Is the blinker going through the slip ring?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 15, 2011
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Lately my blinker has been acting up. It seems if I turn the steering wheel it comes and goes. Does the blinker actually go through the slip ring on the LS?
There is no "slip-ring." There is a clockspring, but the turn signal wiring does not pass through it. The multifunction switch does have mechanical interaction with the rotation of the steering wheel. That's how the signal cancels itself when you make a turn. There's a good chance that something inside your multifunction switch has broken.
There is no "slip-ring." There is a clockspring, but the turn signal wiring does not pass through it. The multifunction switch does have mechanical interaction with the rotation of the steering wheel. That's how the signal cancels itself when you make a turn. There's a good chance that something inside your multifunction switch has broken.

Slip-Ring, clock spring, what I mean not what I say! :)

So, my malfunction switch has.... malfunctioned.

All I know is one day I went to signal left and my right blinker came on. That was interesting. Normally I'll be sitting at a light and the blinker will stop blinking, but will start again if I move the steering wheel a little.
Slip-Ring, clock spring, what I mean not what I say! :)

So, my malfunction switch has.... malfunctioned.

All I know is one day I went to signal left and my right blinker came on. That was interesting. Normally I'll be sitting at a light and the blinker will stop blinking, but will start again if I move the steering wheel a little.

Had one of those fail on me years ago. The stalk wouldn't stay in the "blink" position. IIRC, it was our '82 LeBaron.......
For a short time, I could only turn my Taurus wipers on if the left blinker was on. There were three wires that run up the stalk, though the hinge: Power, spritzer signal, and the [broken] wiper speed signal. While your problem is in the base of the stalk, it could be a similar mechanical issue. It's bomb filled with Jesus-springs and oh-no-clips
It's bomb filled with Jesus-springs and oh-no-clips

Yeah, which is why I've just ignored the blinker. But when I had it in the left position and it was signalling right I figured it was time to ask if anyone else has been here before.

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