is this one of the reasons we are in afghanistan?

Do you seriously think this war is not about money and big business ? That its cut and dry, they attacked us ,so off to war we go?
no. al qaeda was harboured by the taliban, and some taliban were al qaeda members, but al qaeda was not a part of afghan government.
wikipedia? that's your source for corroboration



word for word.
ad hominem fails. Got a source of your own?

Here's another one.

The apparent al-Qaeda presence, particularly in a Taliban Defence Ministry building, suggested that bin Laden's organisation and the radical Islamic government regime were closely linked.

Other papers appeared to be copies of a letter bin Laden sent to Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban, asking not to be turned over to the Americans and a reply granting his request. Both men cited religious teachings to justify their position.

Any more questions?

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