Isn't it ironic?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Detroit News November 14, 2004

Christian right is wrong

I'm writing in response to the Nov. 7 article "Christian bloc demands say on social policy." When did Christianity become about forcing others to act the same way you do? Does the Christian right fail to see the irony of decrying countries where Islamic customs are imposed on citizens while turning around and demanding that U.S. legislation enforce their Christian beliefs on others? The Christian right has it wrong and is giving the rest of us a bad name.

Alexander J. Oatley
barry2952 said:
Detroit News November 14, 2004

Christian right is wrong

I'm writing in response to the Nov. 7 article "Christian bloc demands say on social policy." When did Christianity become about forcing others to act the same way you do? Does the Christian right fail to see the irony of decrying countries where Islamic customs are imposed on citizens while turning around and demanding that U.S. legislation enforce their Christian beliefs on others? The Christian right has it wrong and is giving the rest of us a bad name.

Alexander J. Oatley


What was the problem in Korsovo or Yugoslavia where the Christians were Genocide the Followers of Islam? Did they feel that was right!

Islam may not be your belief but you can't force faith on anyone. Government and Church must be kept separate.

Give to Cesar what is Cesar's and to God what is God's.

God gave mankind a choice from the beginning. He want us to have choice!

To chose shows faith
More info is needed for me to comment on that article. It says that it is replying to another article. What was the content of that other article? There's a difference between demanding a "say on social policy" (which everyone has a right to do) and "forcing" beliefs on someone by legislation.

Run for your lives!!! The Christians are coming!!!!

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