It would be nice IF


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
When people registered, they would at least take the time to mention the year of "their" car in "their" profile. It's annoying when they ask a question and they leave you guessing what the hell they drive. Seeing the city they live in don't quite help much.
It would be, but it ain't gonna happen.

People like that are what I call "one post wonders". They come in, demand an answer then leave once we suckers help them out... only to return the next time they have a question.
I love people who come on and start asking the stupidest questions anyone could possibly come up with. Have these people ever used a computer before? I mean come on.
"Has anyone here ever changed the spark plugs on their MK8?" No Focker, we just cross our fingers & hope for the best.
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