Jets overhead


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
We just had two jets fly overhead at about 1000 ft doing between 500 and 600 knots. Wonder what's up. They were in a hurry somewhere.
They do that here south of houston frequently

We live just about a mile from Ellington Air Force Base {decommissioned)
the National Guard 147th figther wing flies out of Ellington.

many times a week two or three "18's" will blast over head, FULL AFTERBURNER which they aren't supposed to do until they get out over the water about 5 miles away.

They are definately up to something....

When they fly over where we live, you can usually see the pilots helmet in the cockpit.
600 knots? Are you sure? They would have been on the verge of breaking the sound barrier (about 80MPH to breaking the barrier).

It would have mildly shook everything in their path at that altitude.
It got my ass out of the chair to run outside in a second. I felt them before I heard them which is why I estimated "up to 600 knots". Better estimate would be around 550. I've been to lots of airshows, we have the EEA up here in Oshkosh which is one of the largest. I've been on Lake Michigan couple times for the Blue Angels. These guys were moving and yes, you could feel them before you could see them. I even stopped the postman and he said Jeebus, did you just see that? I'm sure they came out of Madison and headed right over downtown Milwaukee and out over Lake Michigan.

And the fastest I've flown was 661 mph groundspeed from Seattle to Milwaukee. I swear it didn't feel a mile over 660 though.

And I know fast when I see it. I filmed this guy going 120 past a school zone marked 25. Reported it to the police immediately.

Fast (600 x 434).jpg
Glad you got that guy reported to the cops! Bikes these days...

You didn't happen to see what kind of jets they were, did you?
We get to hear alot of that stuff over Lake Erie, especially at night (no witnesses) and have been told its part of training stuff for Homeland Security.
We get to hear alot of that stuff over Lake Erie, especially at night (no witnesses) and have been told its part of training stuff for Homeland Security.

Maybe they are trying to get it right the second time if/when there is a second 9/11? 'Cause we all know how stellar of a performance they put on when the first 9/11 happened...

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