Jimmy Carter..Kiss my you know what


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Hey Jimmy, go build some more crappy trailer park quality homes. Leave us alone peanut boy. (As far as politics goes.) I think you are our worst President ever. Can't think of one thing you did to help this country. Go away! You suck big time! What you have to say regarding international politics has no merit. You are a pussy. Go away. Please.

Carter: Guantanamo Detentions Disgraceful

The Associated Press
Saturday, July 30, 2005; 5:32 PM

BIRMINGHAM, England -- Former President Carter said Saturday the detention of terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base was an embarrassment and had given extremists an excuse to attack the United States.

Carter also criticized the U.S.-led war in Iraq as "unnecessary and unjust."

"I think what's going on in Guantanamo Bay and other places is a disgrace to the U.S.A.," he told a news conference at the Baptist World Alliance's centenary conference in Birmingham, England. "I wouldn't say it's the cause of terrorism, but it has given impetus and excuses to potential terrorists to lash out at our country and justify their despicable acts." [snip]


Did I say 'Go Away'. Please do.
"kiss your you know what"? Whereabouts Bryan, your all you know what.
I agree with Carter. A big disgrace.
I don't like Carter.

If you feel like defending him, well, go ahead.........
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Come on. Post up some accomplishments from Jimmy Carter's Presidency. Anything. Please do. I can't wait to see the list.
So Phil (or anyone on the left), what are we to do with the prisoners at Gitmo? They're hardcore, totally fanatical, and will kill innocents if released. It would be like releasing a serial killer, only there are hundreds of them. What's the alternative?
he the crap head who sent a few helicopter to save our poor pepole
held in Iran. and like a few Dayz before Ron Regan took over they let
them go .

I think Jimmy Carter drives a Scion Xa
The man has no presidential class. Traditionally, former presidents are not supposed to criticize sitting presidents until they are out of office.

The only things Carter accomplished were:

1. Nearly starving the military families on their pay.
2. 18% interest rates.
3. Botched Iran hostage rescue attempt.
4. Got butt whipped by Reagan. (Not a big deal, Reagan would have demolished anybody)
When the guy was just doing his house thing and minding his own business, he didn't bother me. But in the last couple of years, the left has been prancing him around like he was some kind of great politician. Sitting Michael Mooron next to him during the convention. The guy sucked.
what the left realized is that many people at this point have probably forgotten that he was the most useless president, and they hear about all the good stuff he does with habitat. So they think that people will give him some credibility which he does not deserve. Most Georgians on the left and right can't stand him and hate when people think of him as some sort of representation of either Georgia or the south. He even sucked as a peanut farmer.
And I also think it's funny that he says terrorists use Gitmo and the war as "excuses" to kill innocent people. The very nature of that argument also permits that since these things are not the cause of terrorism, but merely an excuse(not a catalyst either) that if the terrorists were in the absence of these things, they would still find reasons to kill innocent people. Genious Jimbo, just pure genious.

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