Jmod Near Completion


New LVC Member
Jun 12, 2005
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Thanks guys, for all the help in getting my transmission back on track. I'm steps away from completion, However, I ran into a little snag. Hope you can help, so here goes!!! To complete the Separator Plate mod I need to figure out if I need to drill a #8 hole as discribed in note #3 of the JMOD into the separator plate. The exception is that my 1997 transmission Valve Body should be made in 1996 or before. But, there is a catch. Ford parts center and a transmission parts center located here in P'cola, Fl can not tell me what year my valve body was made. The Valve Body MFG # M6G-00005847 appears on the out side. Elsewhere on the body is the word "Ford", "F8" and the #35416. So tell me am I looking at a 1996 valva body? Please help as I am ready to slap this thing back together. Also, my wife wants her convertable in the garage :N

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