I certainly doubt if you are 'Illiterate' by any stretch of the imagination mr monkey...
And so you know where I come from - my Dad was a construction worker as well - sheet metal, Local 9. Retired...
I was just trying to make a point with the headline - as stated - did not reflect what the article was about. The headline was written the way it was so that 'white construction workers' would feel like they were being removed from the job equation. When you read the article from World Net Daily (which was posted in another thread) or view the video, what seems to be the thrust of this is that at this hearing they were concerned with who was going to get the jobs that the stimulus package is going to create. They feel that the jobs should go to a cross section of americans - white, black, hispanic, men, women.
Probably a mislaid fear that the jobs will only go to white men. Sort of the opposite of the headline - both sides here are using knee jerk reactions in hopes to get their point across to the audience they want to reach. Cal, in this instance, used a headline that was made to anger a segment of the population that seems to be pretty prevalent on this part of this site. The political forums...
Lately there have been a lot of angry confrontation here -
Scary Sh!t Here, and
Screw George Bush were very recent threads that had to be locked because of the racial remarks in them.
It certainly appeared that Cal was going for a certain reaction when he posted that headline, especially since it was it wasn't what was really being stated in the article/video. Even he stated earlier that it wasn't about 'race'
And the issue there isn't race, though we could discuss the double standard of such a statement
If it wasn't about race - why use such a racial overtone headline?
But, as far as your questions..
Question 1 - I think you and Mr Elliott of the Guardian have described an angry white man to a tee. That is my Dad, and I bet you. At the end of the day - they just are proud that they have done a good job, treated everyone fairly, and want to go home to wife, kids, and a beer. They just want to be treated fairly. And with the inflammatory nature of this headline in this post, they are being targeted.
The video is from a man who is from a generation that saw a lot of discrimination. I think he is stating his own fears that the government money will be going to large construction firms that are mostly white owned and managed, and he is hoping that those companies will be hiring people of many ethnic backgrounds, as well as both genders.
Also, the video is from a 'right wing source'. I would like to see the uncut version.
Question 2 - Readership base - the majority of people who read this part of the forum - yep - that is what I meant.. so I don't know if I need to go into question 3 - but, it will probably finish answering this question.
Question 3 -
not 'base' as in
morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; meanspirited; selfish; cowardly, but base as in
the principal element or ingredient of anything. It seems like most of the posters in this part of the site are white men. I could be wrong - I haven't seen, nor do I know what has happened historically, but as of the last few months, it appears to be that way.
So, I hope the shading is OK now... Or, ask away - maybe I have just raised more questions than answered...
And, Cal, do you have the current policy for hiring for companies who have government contracts?