John Stewart said it best!!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 20, 2005
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Liberal democrats are like Muhammed Ali when he fought George Forman. They are laying on the ropes, letting themselves get the crap kicked out of them, waiting for their time to strike. Only problem is, in this fight, Ali is old, tired, and no one believes in him anymore. He already ran out of steam, and Foreman is going to pound him into the GROUND! I'm just looking towards the next fighter who's going to replace the dems.
MAllen82 said:
Liberal democrats are like Muhammed Ali when he fought George Forman. They are laying on the ropes, letting themselves get the crap kicked out of them, waiting for their time to strike. Only problem is, in this fight, Ali is old, tired, and no one believes in him anymore. He already ran out of steam, and Foreman is going to pound him into the GROUND! I'm just looking towards the next fighter who's going to replace the dems.

Very nice analogy, young padawan. But you forgot Ali calling Foreman all kinds of names argue2 and sticking his tongue out at him :N and telling lies about him to the bloodthirsty crowd...:soapbox:
ah, very true!!! Did anyone see that video of John Stewart on Crossfire? It was the funniest I've seen on television. Besides the leftist coverage of the last election.
MAllen82 said:
ah, very true!!! Did anyone see that video of John Stewart on Crossfire? It was the funniest I've seen on television. Besides the leftist coverage of the last election.
Yeah, that's old news. For the record, I am NOT a fan of Jon Stewart. He's an opportunist trying to distance himself from a sinking ship, a ship that he helped to navigate in his own way. The truth is that he IS what he called Tucker Carlson.
MAllen82 said:
ah, very true!!! Did anyone see that video of John Stewart on Crossfire? It was the funniest I've seen on television. Besides the leftist coverage of the last election.

I did not see it. Know of where I can find it?
I have a link up top. If you can't see it, pm me, and I will give it to you. As a regular guy, no, I can't stand John, but I think he can be really funny, and I'll tell you what, it was nice to see someone, even if it was him, tell these "journalists" or whatever they call themselves that they suck big donkey balls!!

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