Juan Williams fired from NPR over comments about Muslims flying


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NPR fires Juan Williams over comments about Muslims flying

posted at 8:45 am on October 21, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

Juan Williams warned that political correctness leads to a paralysis that keeps people from addressing reality — and then ended up a victim of just that kind of political correctness in the very next breath. NPR terminated his contract, even though just moments later Williams and Mary Katharine Ham speak about how important it is for commentators to distinguish between moderate and extremist Muslims. Too late, because Williams made the unpardonable sin of admitting that people boarding flights in “Muslim garb” makes him nervous:
The move came after Mr. Williams, who is also a Fox News political analyst, appeared on the “The O’Reilly Factor” on Monday. On the show, the host, Bill O’Reilly, asked him to respond to the notion that the United States was facing a “Muslim dilemma.” Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad, aided and abetted by some Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet.”

Mr. Williams said he concurred with Mr. O’Reilly.

He continued: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Mr. Williams also made reference to the Pakistani immigrant who pleaded guilty this month to trying to plant a car bomb in Times Square. “He said the war with Muslims, America’s war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts,” Mr. Williams said.

NPR said in its statement that the remarks “were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR.”


Definition of a bigot: Anybody who disagrees with a liberal.

Note: Once again, it's LIBERALS who harm the black man.
George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR

Posted by Warner Todd Huston Oct 18th 2010 at 12:32 pm in Featured Story, Fox News, Mainstream Media, NPR, Old media, Radio, journalism, media bias | 133401Comments(179)http%3A%2F%2Fbigjournalism.com%2Fwthuston%2F2010%2F10%2F18%2Fgeorge-soros-millions-buying-political-reporters-for-npr%2FGeorge+Soros%27+Millions+Buying+%27Political+Reporters%27+for+NPR2010-10-18+19%3A32%3A09Warner+Todd++Hustonhttp%3A%2F%2Fbigjournalism.com%2F%3Fp%3D133401

The left loves to go wild claiming that Rupert Murdoch, a famous conservative, owns a few news outlets. The left is also aghast that well known righty Roger Ailes guides Fox News. Ailes’s ideology makes of his network a compromised product, they claim. It’s all a travesty of “news,” and “proof” that those agencies are contaminated by right-wing ideology say lefty detractors. So, with the news that George Soros is buying one hundred political “reporters” for National Public Radio (NPR), one waits with bated breath for the left to decry the fact that a famous anti-American leftist is buying and influencing the “news.”


One will likely wait in vain, too.

In fact, The New York Times doesn’t even mention the left-wing ideology of the foundation that is supplying $1.8 million to NPR so it can hire political reporters across the country.

The left-wing Open Society Foundations is donating the large sum to NPR for a project being called “Impact of Government.” The project is planning to add at least 100 reporters across the country to cover local state house politics to fill the holes left by the firing of so many local reporters due to the contraction in the field of journalism over the last decade.

One might look at this plan and imagine that it isn’t such a bad idea. If states have lost reporters ready to hold local politicians accountable why is it so bad for $1.8 million to be spent to fill that gap? But in the NYT piece one can see why this donation should raise eyebrows instead of making folks feel at ease that the plan is merely helping fill a reporting gap.
Ms. Schiller said the journalists would not be part of typical statehouse coverage, but instead would work on enterprise journalism that looks at how state government decisions play out over years, and extend beyond a single state’s borders.
What exactly does “enterprise journalism” mean? This sure smacks of agenda journalism as opposed to mere reporting, doesn’t it? And even if that isn’t the intent, the rhetoric here is suspicious.

But what makes this all even more suspicious is the source of the $1.8 million donation. The Open Society Foundations was founded by well-known anti-American George Soros. Yet, nowhere in the news is this made clear to readers.

One might recall the hullabaloo that was raised when it was revealed that News Corp, owner of Fox News, had donated one million dollars to Republicans for this election cycle. It was the end of the world as far as the left was concerned. It was “proof” that Fox could not be trusted.

Yet, here we have George Soros buying reporters for NPR, the same Soros who has an extremely left-wing agenda that he has been pushing on the world for decades. After all, if the assumption that conservatives owning Fox makes its news slanted, shouldn’t the same logic dictate that anything Soros owns reflects his ideology? Shouldn’t we assume that NPR’s new reporters will be left-wing hacks bought and paid for by one of the richest, most active, most extreme left-wing activists in the world?

So what is the difference between a left-wing billionaire buying 100 reporters for NPR and Fox News being owned by conservative owners? Why has the Old Media establishment completely ignored the extremist agenda of the foundation making such a large donation to NPR? Why isn’t NPR to be suspected of being a left-wing mouthpiece now?

The answer to this question can only be that the Old Media establishment is already bought and paid for by the far left and would never raise questions that might reflect badly on a left-wing agenda. Only conservatives need “outing” as far as the Old Media is concerned.

That George Soros owns NPR like this? Well, that’s just a little secret between you and me.
George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR

Posted by Warner Todd Huston Oct 18th 2010 at 12:32 pm in Featured Story, Fox News, Mainstream Media, NPR, Old media, Radio, journalism, media bias | 133401Comments(179)http%3A%2F%2Fbigjournalism.com%2Fwthuston%2F2010%2F10%2F18%2Fgeorge-soros-millions-buying-political-reporters-for-npr%2FGeorge+Soros%27+Millions+Buying+%27Political+Reporters%27+for+NPR2010-10-18+19%3A32%3A09Warner+Todd++Hustonhttp%3A%2F%2Fbigjournalism.com%2F%3Fp%3D133401

The left loves to go wild claiming that Rupert Murdoch, a famous conservative, owns a few news outlets. The left is also aghast that well known righty Roger Ailes guides Fox News. Ailes’s ideology makes of his network a compromised product, they claim. It’s all a travesty of “news,” and “proof” that those agencies are contaminated by right-wing ideology say lefty detractors. So, with the news that George Soros is buying one hundred political “reporters” for National Public Radio (NPR), one waits with bated breath for the left to decry the fact that a famous anti-American leftist is buying and influencing the “news.”


One will likely wait in vain, too.

In fact, The New York Times doesn’t even mention the left-wing ideology of the foundation that is supplying $1.8 million to NPR so it can hire political reporters across the country.

The left-wing Open Society Foundations is donating the large sum to NPR for a project being called “Impact of Government.” The project is planning to add at least 100 reporters across the country to cover local state house politics to fill the holes left by the firing of so many local reporters due to the contraction in the field of journalism over the last decade.

One might look at this plan and imagine that it isn’t such a bad idea. If states have lost reporters ready to hold local politicians accountable why is it so bad for $1.8 million to be spent to fill that gap? But in the NYT piece one can see why this donation should raise eyebrows instead of making folks feel at ease that the plan is merely helping fill a reporting gap.
What exactly does “enterprise journalism” mean? This sure smacks of agenda journalism as opposed to mere reporting, doesn’t it? And even if that isn’t the intent, the rhetoric here is suspicious.

But what makes this all even more suspicious is the source of the $1.8 million donation. The Open Society Foundations was founded by well-known anti-American George Soros. Yet, nowhere in the news is this made clear to readers.

One might recall the hullabaloo that was raised when it was revealed that News Corp, owner of Fox News, had donated one million dollars to Republicans for this election cycle. It was the end of the world as far as the left was concerned. It was “proof” that Fox could not be trusted.

Yet, here we have George Soros buying reporters for NPR, the same Soros who has an extremely left-wing agenda that he has been pushing on the world for decades. After all, if the assumption that conservatives owning Fox makes its news slanted, shouldn’t the same logic dictate that anything Soros owns reflects his ideology? Shouldn’t we assume that NPR’s new reporters will be left-wing hacks bought and paid for by one of the richest, most active, most extreme left-wing activists in the world?

So what is the difference between a left-wing billionaire buying 100 reporters for NPR and Fox News being owned by conservative owners? Why has the Old Media establishment completely ignored the extremist agenda of the foundation making such a large donation to NPR? Why isn’t NPR to be suspected of being a left-wing mouthpiece now?

The answer to this question can only be that the Old Media establishment is already bought and paid for by the far left and would never raise questions that might reflect badly on a left-wing agenda. Only conservatives need “outing” as far as the Old Media is concerned.

That George Soros owns NPR like this? Well, that’s just a little secret between you and me.

So take that Koch brothers!
Battle of the Billionaires
NPR fires Juan Williams over comments about Muslims flying

posted at 8:45 am on October 21, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

Juan Williams warned that political correctness leads to a paralysis that keeps people from addressing reality — and then ended up a victim of just that kind of political correctness in the very next breath. NPR terminated his contract, even though just moments later Williams and Mary Katharine Ham speak about how important it is for commentators to distinguish between moderate and extremist Muslims. Too late, because Williams made the unpardonable sin of admitting that people boarding flights in “Muslim garb” makes him nervous:

Definition of a bigot: Anybody who disagrees with a liberal.

Note: Once again, it's LIBERALS who harm the black man.


An associate's daughter married a born here muslim and at the wedding reception we were looking at the groom's party and wondering which one was the jihadi.

An associate's daughter married a born here muslim and at the wedding reception we were looking at the groom's party and wondering which one was the jihadi.
Why did you assume there was only one?
Why did you assume there was only one?

They all looked suspicious to me.:rolleyes:

It was kind of a private joke.:p

How can one not have the jihadi thought come to mind when seeing a group of young men with beards who all looked like the guy who tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square.

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