Dedicated LVC Member
i just finished a project i promised my buddy for his wife's 94 garnett red mark VIII. i have been picking at it for the past 2 weeks, but as of yesterday morning, i started prepping it finally for primer, i got to my shop around 10 am and worked until around 7, i came home for dinner and went back to the shop, i had no intention on painting the car last night, just prime it, but one thing led to another and i opened my shop doors at 9 am this morning to see daylight, i could barely stand up anymore, i felt like i had been in a gang fight. every inch of me was in pain, it felt like heaven to open the doors and smell fresh morning florida air! needless to say i went home at 9 am and slept till 1 today, i got back up and went back for another 6 hours to unmask and re-assemble the car. tomorroe i have to swap on another set of clean snowflakes with some brand new cooper 245-50-16's and clean up the wheel well over spray and give it an oil change and she gets her car back for christmas with some shiny new garnett red glaze paint! check out my project, it was a blast lol, NOT. i dont know why the pics came out so out of focus, but you get the idea!