Just got finished installing my


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 20, 2005
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Pie Adapter.JPG
Pie Adapter. First off....What a total pain in the ASS. First the ashtray assembly was stuck somehow. Finally was able to jiggle it out. Then the little tab that allows you to remove the adapter/plug in the back of the head unit broke, barely even touched it and it snapped off. So that left me with nothing to disengage the plug. After sticking a tiny watch screwdriver in there for about oh...25 minutes i was finally able to pull the plug out. I got the adapter installed pretty easily. Once i got everything plugged back in and wired up the radio wouldnt go back in. There is such little space behind the head unit that the clunky adapter was taking up too much room. So after about another 10-15 minutes of trying to get everything lined up and out of the way i FINALLY got it to go back in, screwed in place, done. Go to put the ashtray assembly back....doesnt fit. Spent another 10-15 minutes clearing a path for it, screwed it in place, done. Go to open the ashtray...doesnt open. Apparently when it slides open the wiring moves with it and it was jammed. Took the ashtray back out, fixed the wiring, screwed in place, done. Turn the car back on, test it out, only one side of car has audio. WTF. Take the ashtray back out and notice in all the messing around one of the RCA cables came unplugged. Fix it, go to screw the ashtray back in, drop one of the screws and it dissappears under the seat. After looking for it for about another 5 minutes i see it lodged way under the power seat tracks and its impossible to get to. Take the remaining screw and try to match it in the garage for a comparable screw. I find one, screw everything back in. Turn the car on....IT WORKS. Its really not a hard install but what the hell, anything that could go wrong did. But it was definately worth while. It sounds 200% better than the old RF transmitter. Thought i'd share.

Pie Adapter.JPG
Yes..i do. Has anyone else who has installed one of these had that many problems ?
I put one on nav radio mine but maybe 03+ is easier. It took like 10 minutes. I did spend 2 hours fixing the ashtray though due to a design flaw. That reminds me, I need to post about that.
Yes FLA I installed my tv and run all the rca and speaker wires and everything else right down the middle of the car and damn ashtry would not fit so I had to tear it all back apart!!! :slam Why dont we think about these things before we do them I mean come on there was something there make sure it fits still before I put the whole thing back together!!!:slam lol
O well looks good
Hey what is that?? I have no idea, is that an ipod or something? Anyways, at least you got it done yourself man, some people can't do even simple audio stuff in their cars.
Does the installing of the pie adapter shut off the steering wheel controls ? I dont have any function now with the steering wheel controls with the radio or anything. This sucks.
shouldn't have any effect on wheel controls. sounds like you unplugged something or your clockspring is failing.
join the clockspring failure if the crusie control doesnt work (properly) that means time to get a clockspring and change it out.....I MIGHT be doing mine next weekend but it still looks good.
Well, it just happened when i installed the adapter, so i am going to have to think wiring. Does anybody have the wiring color codes or know which plug the wheel controls are on? There was one plug that was stuck and i was rather rough with it to get it out. If i knew which wires to look at on the head unit it would make diagnosing this alot easier. The cruise still works fine. Thanks
also fl check the little pins in there I know my buddy and me bent some on his vw they bend easy as hell and there a pain to straighten them back out and they still plug in normall even though they are bent........
I just had to laugh my ass off at the original post. How many of us here have tackled a 30 minute job that ended up taking all day because of Murphy?? Sorry to laugh at your expense FLA, but I feel your pain and know where you're coming from. Saturday, my son and I were installing a security system in his house. Everytime we'd mount the main control panel, we got a tamper switch failure. We ran to the electronic store and bought another switch and soldered it in. Still ran into intermittant failures. We took the thing back apart and just flat bypassed the switch by soldering a jumper. Still had problems. Resoldered it again. Still had problems. Finally we're about ready to say the heck with it and just return the damn thing when I realized there are TWO tamper switches...and we were repairing the wrong one!!! Replaced the other one and we were good to go. 20 minute job to mount that damn panel and it took us ALL DAY!!
Pie Adapter

Fla02LS... What is the model # of the Pie Adapter that you installed. That's exactly what I need.

FRDN-AUX. I got my off ebay, paid $55. Well worth the money. Be prepared to get irritated with the install. Also, anyone know which color wires belong to the steering wheel controls ??? I have since figured out that they are on the plug used with the adapter, so thats got to be where the problem lies. I'd like to know what i am looking for before i undo it all.

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