Just Picked Up Son's First Car


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sunny San Diego County
I rolled up on this, Ran a little ruff
1 bottle seafoam in all 3 of her holes , Much happier
I can't list all the little stuff in need
My son has yet to take the driving test just turned 18 .
So I'm parking the Lincoln till I get this piece in shape
What can I say the kid wanted a BMW ,
I dislike how much they love being in the shop
this thing drives like a pinto





My sons play`n not too happy ,

I only Paid $860, it need lots of care I had a hard time getting the window clean , the guy was a smoker.
It's his first car. It's supposed to be like that.
It's his first car. It's supposed to be like that.

I took up to about 90 yesterday , I gota make sure it safe .

I told my son he could drive my car (what a Lie) and he said No

I'm pay`n a kid that works at the car lot next to the shop to clean it up .... he is good he works for his uncles body shop next door.
I wish I had a mercedes for my first car, haha. Is it a diesel? Ive heard of someone with one of them old diesel benz's getting some really high mpg.

Well Last friday after going back and forth with this guy , about paying for the smog test. He says he'll pay me back the cost. I'm already pissed by law this is his problem.
I go to a shop that I farm-out things we can't do , tire mounting, smog.
its run by 2 Vietnamese guys .
So they are doing the test and I can tell they acting like they have bad new for me.
By the end This Car is a Gross Polluter , first time was in 2000 .
must of had a scam smog test done were he used to live . Cars Only get to run "gross Polluter" 3 time then the state will not renew tags.
So right then I call the guy (this guy has been play`n phone hide and seek since
I found out that the car wasn't smogged at the DMV.) "Buddy I am bringing your unregister able car new with bad tags back" you can't sell the car in CA.

Once me and my friend get to his Apt Building with auto gates. I call again Ok I am here with your car I see your new Audi a4 in your carport. you need to come and give me my money back"

so later that night I am returning 5 qt of trans fluid we were going to do a trans service that night.
And I get a call form a SJPD officer ...... we talk and talk cool guy he told me that he told this jackass that he should give me my money back , but he couldn't make him ..... I'd have to court. Plus This Is May 5th budwiser is flowing in the streets of san jose .
So I go home and start drinking I'm pissed I'm out $860 , my wife and kid have been pissed at me all weekend .
I start googling "smog test, then gross polluter , then selling gross polluter.... " bam VC section 27156
My VC reading isn't too sharp but the jist of it was more about selling non-smog parts. but also states that once an Officer knows that the car is gross polluter , not let it on streets or highways only to be driving home and to a STATE repair shop.
so I read it and can tell it to keeps like muffler shops from cutting off cats and stuff like that .
So I call the cop who is now down town in the hell of drunks and low ryders .
I tell him how theirs is some time he could do. VS 27156 , so he says he'll look in to in and let me know. I told him If I'm getting stuck with this car I want him for anything that works.

..... got get me son form work.
Back to it like someone is reading this.

So this fool who collect guns and hangs with the HA's ............. Felt the I may kill him over this junk car. So when He came to give me my cash he brang the cops.
What a little girl...... and that I let him know how he left his SSI # in the car ,
and that sticking me with a unregistrable would cost him far more.

So in the end I got me cash back and this ahole got his car back

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