Well Last friday after going back and forth with this guy , about paying for the smog test. He says he'll pay me back the cost. I'm already pissed by law this is his problem.
I go to a shop that I farm-out things we can't do , tire mounting, smog.
its run by 2 Vietnamese guys .
So they are doing the test and I can tell they acting like they have bad new for me.
By the end This Car is a Gross Polluter , first time was in 2000 .
must of had a scam smog test done were he used to live . Cars Only get to run "gross Polluter" 3 time then the state will not renew tags.
So right then I call the guy (this guy has been play`n phone hide and seek since
I found out that the car wasn't smogged at the DMV.) "Buddy I am bringing your unregister able car new with bad tags back" you can't sell the car in CA.
Once me and my friend get to his Apt Building with auto gates. I call again Ok I am here with your car I see your new Audi a4 in your carport. you need to come and give me my money back"
so later that night I am returning 5 qt of trans fluid we were going to do a trans service that night.
And I get a call form a SJPD officer ...... we talk and talk cool guy he told me that he told this jackass that he should give me my money back , but he couldn't make him ..... I'd have to court. Plus This Is May 5th budwiser is flowing in the streets of san jose .
So I go home and start drinking I'm pissed I'm out $860 , my wife and kid have been pissed at me all weekend .
I start googling "smog test, then gross polluter , then selling gross polluter.... " bam VC section 27156
My VC reading isn't too sharp but the jist of it was more about selling non-smog parts. but also states that once an Officer knows that the car is gross polluter , not let it on streets or highways only to be driving home and to a STATE repair shop.
so I read it and can tell it to keeps like muffler shops from cutting off cats and stuff like that .
So I call the cop who is now down town in the hell of drunks and low ryders .
I tell him how theirs is some time he could do. VS 27156 , so he says he'll look in to in and let me know. I told him If I'm getting stuck with this car I want him for anything that works.
..... got get me son form work.